Lehman Engineering Building

The administrative offices and five academic departments of the College of Engineering reside in the Lehman Engineering and Technology Center. Additional educational and project labs for the Department of Mechanical Engineering are in the nearby M-building.

In addition to traditional classrooms and laboratories for instruction and research, the Lehman Center offers computing resources and open workspaces facilitating collaborative development for interdisciplinary student teams. Hands-on learning and learning-by-doing are enabled through a variety of student-accessible laboratories with the tools for a complete engineering design-build-test project cycle. The third floor also features a fully functional Distance Learning and Lecture Capture Studio, for creating high-quality and effective learning modules to enhance teaching at all levels.

Research facilities for full-sized aircraft flight test and development are located on the south side of the Daytona Beach airport at the Eagle Flight Research Center. An additional research center, the Next-Generation ERAU Advanced Research (NEAR) Laboratory, is located on the airport property adjacent to the primary campus. Undergraduate and graduate students collaborate with faculty at both of these research centers dedicated to solving real problems brought forward by industry.

  • A woman in the Advanced Dynamics and Control Laboratory.Advanced Dynamics and Control Laboratory
    The Advanced Dynamics and Control Laboratory (ADCL) supports research activities aimed at advancing aviation and space technologies…
  • Student works in the Advanced Geotechnical LaboratoryAdvanced Geotechnical Laboratory
    The stability of any infrastructure, whether it is a roadway, a skyscraper or a hospital, requires proper design of its foundation system. These foundations are constructed…
  • Advanced Laser Processing and Sensors Laboratory
    The Advanced Laser Processing and Sensors (ALPS) Lab provides multiple lasers with different wavelengths, pulse lengths and power; optical hardware, optics, detectors…
  • Students work on the EcoCar in the Advanced Vehicles Green GarageAdvanced Vehicles EcoCar Garage
    The Advanced Vehicles EcoCar Garage provides capabilities for vehicle modeling, integration and testing for the advancement of hybrid and electric technology…
  • Aircraft Design Laboratory
    A fully equipped workspace is made available to Aerospace Engineering (AE) undergraduate students to work on their design projects as a part of their two-semester senior…
  • Astrodynamics and Spacecraft LabAstrodynamics and Spacecraft Lab
    The Astrodynamics and Spacecraft Lab provides a ground-based hardware-in-the-loop test facility with spacecraft simulators to verify guidance, navigation and control…
  • First general meeting of the Women’s Baja SAE Team in the Baja SAE LabBaja SAE Lab
    The Baja SAE Lab is equipped with four workstations dedicated to each main subsystem of the vehicle: Drivetrain, Suspension, Brakes and Ergonomics. Each area has its…
  • Biologically Inspired Design-for-Resilience Lab
    The Biologically Inspired Design-for-Resilience (BID4R) Lab uses a combination of design methodology, systems engineering and complex system modeling to examine biologically…
  • Center for Motorsports Engineering
    The CME is dedicated to applying our faculty and student talent to benefit motorsports and other high performance vehicle applications. We are ready to transform our…
  • Students work on a project in the Circuits and Electronics LabCircuits and Electronics
    Introductory courses in electrical engineering and computer engineering, as well as the laboratory component of the electrical engineering course required for all other…
  • Two students work with drones.Circuits, Sensor and Instrumentation Laboratory
    The Circuits, Sensors, and Instrumentation Laboratory (CSIL) supports circuit design, fabrication, component testing, and controlled sensor characterization…
  • Multiple pieces of equipment in the Civil Engineering Infrastructure LaboratoryCivil Engineering Infrastructure Laboratory
    Facilities for applied research in civil transportation systems and structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure are housed in the Civil Engineering Infrastructure…
  • Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory
    The Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory is equipped with numerous test apparatuses and machines to characterize infrastructure materials, including aggregates, Portland…
  • Students work on a project in the Clean Energy Systems LaboratoryClean Energy Systems Laboratory
    The Clean Energy laboratory is where students tackle the growing energy and water crises facing the United States and the world. Students tackle problems in sustainable…
  • Students work on a drill press in the CNC and Welding LaboratoryCNC and Welding Laboratory
    On-site fabrication of components for classroom design projects and student competition team deliverables is supported in the CNC and Welding Laboratory…
  • Three virtual reality-based immersive driving simulators with motion platformsComplex Dynamical Systems Laboratory
    The focus of Complex Dynamical Systems Laboratory (CDSL) research is to study dynamical systems emerging from the natural world using an interdisciplinary approach and…
  • Students work on projects in the Composites LabComposites Laboratory
    Hands-on experience fabricating objects such as air foils out of products like carbon fiber, fiberglass, and Kevlar bonded with epoxy resin matrix, is provided in the…
  • Composites Research Laboratory
    The Composites Laboratory is equipped to enable fundamental and applied research and development in emerging composite technologies that leverages gains made in advancing…
  • Computational Problem Solving Laboratory
    The Computational Problem Solving Lab is where new engineering students are first introduced to structured problem solving using today's omnipresent computers…
  • Cybersecurity Engineering Laboratory
    Furnished with state-of-the-art hardware and software to permit for participation in cybersecurity attack and defend exercises, the Cybersecurity Engineering Laboratory…
  • Digital Systems Laboratory
    Real-time embedded software development and research in digital electronics, microcontrollers and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are performed in the Digital…
  • Dynamics Systems, Measurement and Control Laboratory
    The controls and instrumentation components of Aerospace, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering curricula are supported in this laboratory…
  • Students working in a hangarEagle Flight Research Center
    The Embry-Riddle Eagle Flight Research Center (EFRC) serves as the university’s Aerospace Research & Design facility…
  • EECS Capstone Design Laboratory
    Students in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) programs work on projects for their multidisciplinary capstone design courses in the Electrical Engineering…
  • Woman in ERBAL LabEmbry-Riddle Biomechanical Analysis Laboratory (ERBAL)
    The Embry-Riddle Biomechanical Analysis Lab (ERBAL) is used for research in biomedical engineering, space physiology, uncrewed vehicles and high performance vehicles.…
  • Students in the Engineering Student Projects CenterEngineering Student Projects Center (ESPC)
    Hands-on exploration and fabrication of engineering designs and solutions to problems posed in the Engineering Fundamentals core curriculum are encouraged in the Engineering…
  • Students in the Flight Dynamics and Control Research LaboratoryFlight Dynamics and Control Research Laboratory
    Development and implementation of guidance, navigation, and control systems for a variety of aerospace vehicles, as well as research on a broad range of topics focused…
  • Students work on a composite body mold at the Formula SAE LabFormula SAE Lab
    A design studio and a vehicle manufacturing shop are home to the student ERAU Motorsports, Formula SAE. This student-led team designs, manufactures and tests an open-wheel…
  • Students in the Gas Turbine LaboratoryGas Turbine Laboratory
    The Gas Turbine Laboratory (GTL) at Embry-Riddle supports computational and experimental research in the aero-thermal sciences applied to power and propulsion syste…
  • Stuedents work on a car in the High Performance Vehicle LaboratoryHigh-Performance Vehicle Laboratory
    A design studio and two vehicle development bays make the High-Performance Vehicle Laboratory the hub of motorsports activity at ERAU…
  • Lightweight Materials and Structures Laboratory
    Composites, honeycombs, functionally graded materials, and truss-based cellular solids destined for use in aerospace applications are designed, fabricated, and tested…
  • Materials Research Laboratory
    The Materials Lab is equipped to enable advanced materials research, modeling and testing of new materials and structures made from them. Of particular interest are nano-structured…
  • Materials Testing Laboratory
    Observation and alteration of material performance, including the fabrication of novel materials and measurement of their properties, occurs in the Materials Testing…
  • Multi-Disciplinary Bioengineering Laboratory
    Bio-mechanical systems research for the undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as well as for faculty researchers and…
  • Multimodal Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory
    Transportation research into the safety, operations, design, planning, and maintenance issues involving our nation’s infrastructure, with an emphasis on airports, is…
  • Next Generation ERAU Advanced Research
    The Next-Generation Advanced Research (NEAR) Lab is a for-hire research facility located on the Daytona Beach campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University…
  • Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory
    Numerical research in unsteady aerodynamics, acoustics, aeroelasticity, flow, and flight control are performed in the Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory…
  • Propulsion Design Laboratory
    A dedicated research laboratory for the Capstone Design Course for the Propulsion Track in Aerospace Engineering, the Propulsion Design Laboratory aims to enhance the…
  • Radar and Microwaves LaboratoryRadar and Microwaves Laboratory
    High frequency systems are taught through applied projects in the Radar and Microwaves Laboratory as part of the electrical engineering curriculum…
  • This 100-pound submarine system will inform efforts to improve communication between unmanned underwater vehicles and unmanned surface vessels. (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Daryl LaBello)Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory
    The Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory (RASL) supports research activities into the design and operation of uncrewed and automated systems…
  • Artemis Rocket on the padRocket Laboratory
    The home to a booster signed by Homer Hickam and seven level-three large-scale rockets, the Rocket Laboratory supports student and faculty research, as well as two highly…
  • A students uses the Scanning Electron MicroscopeScanning Electron Microscope
    A Scanning Electron Microscope, with a large chamber to allow for the visualization of structural materials, is available for students, faculty and staff of the university,…
  • Engineering students Taylor Yow, Kevin Pepin, Daniel Posada, and Chris Hays work in the Space Technologies Lab.Space Technologies Laboratory
    The Space Technologies Laboratory (STL) performs research into spaceflight-qualified hardware and algorithms. Research in this facility is keyed to understanding proximity…
  • Students in the Spacecraft Design LabSpacecraft Design Laboratory
    Space mission design, spacecraft algorithms, and prototype spaceflight hardware are developed and tested in the Spacecraft Design Laboratory (SDL). Prototype potential…
  • Special Projects Laboratory
    The Special Projects Lab serves as a working space for a variety of student projects and clubs associated with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Depar…
  • Speech and Language AI (SaLAI) Lab
    Advancing speech and language AI research at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University…
  • Rossana Fernandes places a honeycomb sample object to test the performance of optimized cellular structures.Structures Laboratory
    Testing is performed on the structures and components typically found in aircraft and spacecraft using the specialized equipment located in the Structures Laborator…
  • Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. students Taylor Stark and Stanislav Sikulskyi use Embry-Riddle’s new nanoscale 3D printer in the Structures Laboratory at the MicaPlex with Associate Professor Daewon Kim. The new equipment, funded by a National Science Foundation grant, will enable Embry-Riddle researchers to fabricate nano to microsize materials and structures with smart actuation and sensing, optimize metamaterial structures and polymer curing, and fabricate micromechanical and microfluidic devices to study biochemical processes and cancer. (Photos: Embry-Riddle/David Massey)Structures Research Laboratory
    The Structures Laboratory is a well-equipped research facility for structural testing of small to medium-scale test samples and structural components…
  • Civil Engineering undergraduate student Devonne Friday conducts microplastics research in the Sustainability and Environmental Engineering Laboratory.Sustainability and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (SEEL)
    Environmental contaminants have several detrimental effects on the environment, ecosystems as well as human health. The mission of the Sustainability and Environmental…
  • Thermal Science Laboratory
    The Thermal Systems Laboratory provides Embry-Riddle researchers, faculty, and students, as well as industry collaborators, with resources and facilities supporting research…
  • Justin Parkhurst and Jodi Sanderson consider the noise potential of a UAV in the WiDE lab in the MicaPlex.WiDE Laboratory
    The mission of the Wireless Devices and Electromagnetics Laboratory (WiDE) is to advance the state of the art of wireless circuits and antennas (up to mm-wave frequencies)…
  • Wind Tunnel Facility at Embry-RiddleWind Tunnel Facility
    Made possible through the generous support of the Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust, the Wind Tunnel Facility is a $10M state-of-the-art, low-speed tunnel located on the research…
  • Wind Tunnel LaboratoryWind Tunnel Laboratory
    Several wind tunnels are housed in the Wind Tunnel Laboratory, which is primarily used for instruction…

Contact Us

Daytona Beach Campus
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114