The following links offer helpful information about financing your college education. You will find links like handy calculators, scholarship search sites, glossaries of financial aid terminology, and more.
Helpful tools to help understand money management, learn what a budget is and how it can help you stay on track with your goals before, during and after college.
- Financial Literacy
- College Affordability and Transparency Center
- Creating Your Budget
- Federal Student Aid
- College Preparation Checklist
- Money Management & Budgeting Playlist
- Debt and Borrowing Money
- Credit and Identity Theft
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Net Price Calculator
- Tax Information for Students
Reference Books
The campus library contains many reference books about scholarships and general college financial aid information, including:
- The College Blue Book
- Directory of Financial Aid for Women
- Don't Miss Out: The Ambitious Student's Guide to Financial Aid
- The Grants Register
About Loans
U.S. News & World Report surveyed students across the nation about student loan programs. The information gathered includes the benefits and drawbacks of available student loan programs, as well as information regarding both federal and private student loan consolidation programs.