The Advanced Laser Processing and Sensors (ALPS) Lab provides multiple lasers with different wavelengths, pulse lengths and power; optical hardware, optics, detectors and other support equipment for exploring laser machining, cutting, deposition, ablation and desorption for various high value added materials and structures.
Current projects include precise cutting of graphene sheets for various applications (AE), laser acoustic testing of concrete (CE) and developing a new laser ultrasonic testing method (ME).
- CO2 Laser
- Laser Aperture
- Gas Flow Control Unit
- 500 MHz Oscilloscope
- Microscope
- Joule Meter Readout
- Voltage Selector
- Laser DPSS 532
- Navigator Pump
- Vacuum
- Oscilloscope
- Constant Speed Control Unit
- Mutimeter 175 Out Ranging
- Wide Band Amplifier
- Robinson Detector Power Supply
- Deposition Monitor
- Monochromator Control
- Procam II
- Nanovoltmeter
- Picoammeter
- Shutter Drive Timer
- Helium Cadmium Laser
- Deuterium Lamp Supply
- Piezo Leak Valve Power Supply
Lab Information
Location: MP 173C
Lab Director: Susan Allen
Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email