Several wind tunnels are housed in the Wind Tunnel Laboratory, which is primarily used for instruction.
Student laboratory work enabled by the facility includes: flow visualization over airfoils, lift, drag, and movement over a complete airplane model, pressure distribution over an airfoil, boundary layer study, propeller performance and drag over three-dimensional bodies.
A state-of-the-art low-speed tunnel is also located in the Wind Tunnel Facility at the Embry-Riddle Research Park.
- Two-dimensional smoke tunnel used for flow visualization studies
- Subsonic open return tunnel with a force and moment balance which allows students to study aerodynamic flows
Lab Information
Location: LB 176
Lab Director: Ebenezer Gnanamanickam
Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email