- Advanced Physics LaboratoryStudents in the Astronomy & Astrophysics, Engineering Physics, and Space Physics programs work on experiments and projects in the Advanced Physics Lab as part of their…
- Aerospace Physiology LabThe Aerospace Physiology lab is equipped to study astronaut physiological issues such as hypoxia, vestibular function (orientation, forces of flight, nausea, balance)…
- Anatomy and Physiology LabThe Anatomy and Physiology Lab serves to support upper level biology courses such as Anatomy and Physiology and Behavioral Neuroscience…
- Applied Cognition & Training Science LabThe Applied Cognition & Training Science Lab investigates human and machine system issues related to expertise and the science and practice of training…
- Applied Perception and Performance LabThe Applied Perception and Performance Lab (APPL) is interested in aging, perception, and the performance of complex everyday tasks like driving…
- Astrophysics LabThe Astrophysics Lab is used specifically for research in planetary science and astrophysics. Faculty and students can observe with the SARA telescopes in Arizona and…
- Biology and Organic Chemistry LabThe Biology Lab is the primary space for students taking the introductory and specialized laboratory courses in Life Sciences…
- Chemistry LabWith UV/Vis spectrophotometers, FTIR spectrometer, and gas chromatography, the Chemistry Lab is a teaching lab and prep space for student and faculty research…
- Cybersecurity and Assured Systems Engineering (CyBASE) CenterThe Cybersecurity and Assured Systems Engineering (CyBASE) Center hosts a group of faculty members with diverse interests in cybersecurity, such as IT/OT security, aviation…
- Cybersecurity Virtual LaboratoryThe Cybersecurity Virtual Lab is one of the technology resources in the Department of Security Studies & International Affairs. The virtual lab provides students, faculty,…
- Diffuse Emission From Astrophysical Plasmas LabThe Diffuse Emission from Astrophysical Plasmas (DEAP) Lab is used to design, build and test the next-generation of wide-field spectrometers to be used on astronomical…
- Engineering Physics Propulsion LabThe Engineering Physics Propulsion Laboratory (EPPL) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) is a cutting-edge research facility that engages in high-tech projects…
- ERAU Campus ObservatoryThe centerpiece of the Astronomy and Astrophysics program is the 1-meter diameter Ritchey-Chrétien reflecting telescope. This telescope, built in 2014 and housed atop…
- Game-Based Education & Advanced Research Studies (GEARS) LabsThe GEARS lab is a multidisciplinary group made up of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students and faculty. Our research efforts focus on using games and simulation…
- GEARS Virtual LabThe Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology department houses the GEARS Virtual Lab, a research laboratory devoted to the investigation of performance in virtual…
- General Physics LaboratoryThe General Physics Laboratories are a suite of rooms supporting the General Education Laboratory component of nearly every major program on campus…
- Integrative Aerospace and Exercise Physiology Laboratory (IAEP)The Integrative Aerospace and Exercise Physiology Laboratory (IAEP) aims to broaden our knowledge of human fatigue during strenuous activities, specifically exercise.…
- Laboratory for Exosphere and Near-Space Environment Studies (LENSES)The Laboratory for Exosphere and Near-Space Environment Studies (LENSES) is used to develop extremely sensitive spectroscopic equipment for the study of faint, diffuse…
- Laboratory for Solar-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Research (LASMIR)The Laboratory for Solar-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Research (LASMIR) is part of the Center for Space and Atmospheric Research (CSAR) and is located within the Physical…
- Modern Physics and Microelectronics LaboratoryStudents in the Astronomy & Astrophysics, Engineering Physics, and Space Physics programs work on advanced experiments in the Modern Physics Laboratory…
- Nonlinear Waves LaboratoryThe cutting-edge Waves Lab will allow the Embry-Riddle community to perform research in fluid dynamics with special focus in physical oceanography, nonlinear waves, rogue…
- Omics Lab for Health and Human PerformanceThe Omics Lab for Health and Human Performance performs various nucleotide-based analysis on various organisms from bacteria to plants and animals, including humans.…
- Physics & Astronomy Lab, Observatory Control Room & WorkshopThis suite of rooms on the fifth floor of the College of Arts & Sciences building is home to the university’s astronomical observatory, including the 1-meter telescope…
- Research Engineering and Applied Collaborations in Healthcare (REACH) LabThe REACH Lab enhances medical systems by investigating a variety of patient safety issues in collaborations with clinical experts. We partner with professionals in academic…
- Research in User eXperience Lab (RUX)The Research in User eXperience (RUX) lab investigates issues related to user experience and usability of software, products, and processes…
- Small Team Analog Research LabThe STAR Lab researches teamwork and the factors that influence its performance…
- Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA)SARA is a 15-university consortium led by ERAU that operates 1-meter class telescopes for astronomical research and education at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona…
- Space and Atmospheric Instrumentation LaboratoryThe Space and Atmospheric Instrumentation Laboratory (SAIL) is part of the Center for Space and Atmospheric Research (CSAR) and is located within the Physical Sciences…
- Space Microbiology LabThe Space Microbiology Laboratory studies the genetic and physiological responses of cells to the combined effect of microgravity and space-relevant radiation fluxe…
- Space Physics Research Lab (SPRL)The primary focus of research done in the Space Physics Research Lab (SPRL) is to investigate the composition, dynamics and electrodynamic processes of the Earth’s middle…
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Associated Labs & Facilities
Embry-Riddle is part of the SARA Consortium (Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy) composed of more than 13 member colleges. The SARA consortium operates two telescopes: the 0.9-m SARA-North at Kitt Peak in Arizona, and the 0.6-m SARA-South at Cerro Tololo in Chile. For more information visit the Sara Observatory.