The Applied Cognition & Training Science Lab investigates human and machine system issues related to expertise and the science and practice of training.

The lab's area of research includes display interpretability, evidence-based training programs, instructor tools and strategies, and team performance and training techniques. They have tackled a variety of challenges in domains such as general aviation, military tasks, nursing and process control. The lab is currently working on a four-year FAA grant to examine aviation weather display interpretability and the implications for general aviation pilot training.

Recent Publications/Grants/Presentations (*indicates student author)

  • Kleber, J., Thomas, R., *Domingo, C., *Miksa, V., & Blickensderfer, B. (2022). Measuring mental models: General aviation pilots’ understanding of preflight weather. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
  • Domingo, C., *Kleber, J., *Miksa, V., & Blickensderfer, B. (2022). Charting a path through the storm: General aviation weather training recommendations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
  • Blickensderfer, B., McSorely, J., Defillipis, N., King, J. M., Ortiz, Y., Guinn, T.A., & Thomas, R. (2021). General aviation pilots’ capability to interpret aviation weather displays. Journal of Air Transportation, 1-7.
  • Blickensderfer, E.A., Lanicci, J., *Vincent, M., *Thomas, R., & Smith, M.J., & *Cruit, J. (2015). Training general aviation pilots for convective weather situations. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86(10), 881-888.
  • *Potter, B.A., Blickensderfer, E.L., Boquet, A.J. (2014). Training monitoring skills in helicopter pilots. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85, 543-549.

Lab Information

Location: COAS 401.28

Lab Director: Dr. Beth Blickensderfer

Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email
