As future leaders and warriors within the United States Air Force, our cadets must excel in their degree, physical fitness and leadership experience. They must be well-rounded individuals who understand the history, principles and future of the world's finest Air Force.
Each semester, cadets learn more about the Air Force and become better prepared for the challenges awaiting them. In addition to the required academic classes, cadets must participate in Leadership Laboratory (Lead Lab).
Lead Lab provides a chance to put academic understanding into practice as cadets apply what they learn to become effective followers as GMC and transform into effective leaders as POC.
Freshman Year: Air Force Organization
Freshman year focuses on providing cadets with a solid understanding of the Air and Space Force's organization, officership and professionalism, military customs and courtesies, and officer career opportunities.
- As freshmen, cadets must take AF 101 and AF101L and AF 102 and AF 102L.
Sophomore Year: Air and Space History
Sophomore year Air Force classes provide cadets with the necessary background in air and space history. This historical understanding is provided within the framework of continued emphasis on the Air Force core values and officership.
- As sophomores, cadets must take AF 201 and AF 201L and AF 202 and AF 202L.
Junior Year: Leadership & Management
Junior year focuses on leadership and management traits essential to serving the nation as Air Force officers. Third-year cadets returning from field training are assigned leadership positions within the Cadet Wing, and the corresponding Air Force academic classes serve to better prepare cadets for the challenges awaiting them.
- As juniors, cadets must take AF 301 and AF 301L and AF 302 and AF302L.
Senior Year: Officer Preparation
Senior year Air Force classes focus on preparing cadets to enter active duty as newly commissioned officers. Topics include regional studies to better prepare cadets for the diverse locations they may deploy to in the course of their careers. Additional subject matter covered in senior year includes Air Force doctrine and military justice.
- As seniors, cadets must take AF 401 and AF 401L and AF 402 and AF 402L.
Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)
Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) is a course designed to give you "on-the-job" experience in the areas of Air Force leadership, teamwork, and management. LLAB is a practical preparation for Air Force active duty as a Second Lieutenant.
LLAB is a class like any college laboratory and is graded on a pass/fail basis. LLAB consists of Physical Training (PT) and the Laboratory. At Det 157, LLAB meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 0700-0900 hours. A typical LLAB week consists of two Physical Training (PT) days and one LLAB training day.
All LLABs are planned, organized, and conducted by cadets, with oversight by the AFROTC staff.”
Air Force ROTC Activities
Base Visits
The base visit program is designed to motivate applicants toward entry into AFROTC and members of the General Military Course (GMC) toward entry into the Professional Officer Course (POC).
The base visit program does this by acquainting cadets with specific duties performed by Air Force officers to assist them in selecting a specific career field and allowing cadets and applicants to observe Air Force operations and experience Air Force life.
Lead Lab Incentive Program (LLIP)
Every year, AFROTC provides funding to detachments across the nation to execute fun, leadership-orientated events under the Lead Lab Incentive Program (LLIP). LLIP provides another dimension to training by emphasizing teamwork and leadership through hands-on events.
Detachment 157 has hosted the following exciting LLIP events: NASA trip, night kayaking, paintball, indoor skydiving, rock climbing and a trip to the Florida Air National Guard in Jacksonville, Florida.
LLIP enables cadets to get away from the rigors of school a few times a semester, make stronger friendships and gain a better appreciation for AFROTC training.
Additional Activities
Organized by cadets every semester, paintball scenarios help train cadets while under stress and pressure from oncoming paintballs. The POC cadets organizing the event will give members of the GMC class a mission which they must complete. The mission will allow the GMC cadets to refine their leadership and followership skills to accomplish the mission.
Commander's Cup
Every semester, Detachment 157 is presented with a challenge of winning the title of Commander's Cup Champions. Commander's Cup is an interservice competition between Air Force, Navy and Army, which takes place once a semester.
Winning the cup is a source of pride carried by the champions until the next semester's showdown. The services are called into fierce competition during an ERAU soccer game (Fall semester) or basketball game (Spring semester).
The services compete in events such as the tug-of-war, pull-ups, trivia knowledge, attendance and warrior spirit.
Dining In and Dining Out
Det 157 hosts a dining in each Fall term for the Professional Officer Course (POC) cadets and a dining out for all cadets and guest in the Spring term. The dining in and out gives cadets the opportunity to meet socially and creates bonds of friendship and a better working relationship in an atmosphere of fellowship and camaraderie.
Detachment 157 cadets understand that balance between ROTC and their social life is essential for them to be successful in the program. Cadets at Detachment 157 let of steam through social activities, such as beach bashes, tailgate parties, camping, and hangout out during non-official Air Force events. These events give cadets a bigger picture of what the Air Force family is all about — working together to get the mission accomplished. Some of these events can be seen on our Instagram page, @afrotc157, and our YouTube page, Det 157.
ERAU has over 350 student clubs and organizations, which give cadets the opportunity to implement and enhance skills learned from official AFROTC. Below are some common organizations/clubs that our cadets are a part of:
- Silver Wings
Silver Wings is a national, co-ed, professional organization dedicated to creating proactive, knowledgeable, and effective civic leaders through community service and education about national defense.
- Arnold Air Society
Arnold Air Society is a professional, honorary, service organization advocating the support of aerospace power. Arnold Air Society provides professional development and community service opportunities to travel and network with cadets from the U.S. Air Force Academy, the senior military colleges, and AFROTC detachments across the Nation, with the objectives: - To create a more efficient relationship among Air Force officer candidates, in particular within the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.
- To provide more opportunities for Air Force officer candidates to exercise leadership, management, organizational and public relations skills.
- To provide opportunities for officer candidates to participate in campus and community service activities, demonstrating the close relationship between civilian and military institutions.
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