Wake Vortex Safety Analysis in the Context of UAS Integration in the NAS

PI Vladimir Golubev

​This project is a collaboration with several research organizations under the supervision of FAA. The focus  of the current research efforts is on developing and employing variable-fidelity prediction approaches to examine safety implications of the future integration of variable-size UAS systems in the National Aerospace System (UAS). 

In particular, variable-fidelity prediction methods to accurately resolve all aspects of aircraft wake generation, evolution, interaction and control are developed. The results of this research will be incorporated in the FAA Integrated Safety Assessment Model developed for analysis of risk implications of UAS operations in the terminal zones and beyond.

Research Dates

07/01/2015 to 10/15/2025


  • Vladimir Golubev
    Aerospace Engineering Department
    Ph.D., M.S., University of Notre Dame