Students are responsible for knowing, understanding, and adhering to the Honor Code as well as other campus, University, and department policies and guidelines as outlined on the Honor Code webpages, on department sites, and via other methods.

The Honor Code provides information on the student conduct process, the Honor Codes, and University Policies, including student rights and responsibilities.

Items found in public areas (including public hallways and laundry rooms) that cannot be traced to the owner, will be considered abandoned. 

Unclaimed abandoned items will be held for a period of ten (10) days. At the end of the ten (10) day period, unclaimed items will be disposed of. Exceptions include perishable items and any property that remains in a room after checkout or at the end of the student’s contract for that term. Perishable items and property left in a room after checkout may be disposed of immediately.

All items left in community spaces and kitchens, including in refrigerators, at the end of each semester will be considered abandoned and may be disposed of immediately. Bikes and other items secured to bike racks will be considered abandoned over the summer if not moved to the area around the hall(s) used for summer housing.

Non-Housing & Residence Life-issued air conditioning (A/C) units are prohibited in all residence halls. Follow these steps to ensure proper functioning of your unit and to avoid air quality issues.

  • Minimum 18” clearance around A/C units/vents
  • Keep A/C units operating at all times between 68°-74° F (21°-23° C)

Please reference the Alcohol Honor Code. Only those who are at least 21 years of age are permitted to possess and consume alcohol according to Florida state laws. An individual who chooses to drink retains the responsibility for their behavior in the residence halls and will at all times conduct themselves in a responsible manner to help maintain a safe and healthy university living environment conducive to academic achievement and personal growth.

  • Classification

    • Beer, cider, wine, hard seltzers and malt beverages are the only types of alcohol permitted in the residence halls.
    • Hard liquor of any kind is prohibited in the residence halls.
    • Common-source containers of alcohol are prohibited (e.g., kegs, beer balls, taps, drinking funnels, alcoholic punches, etc.).
    • Participation in drinking games (e.g. beer pong) and other binge drinking behaviors are dangerous and prohibited. Additionally, simulated drinking games (e.g. water pong) are prohibited. 
  • Possession & Consumption

    • Residents who are at least 21 years of age are permitted to possess and consume alcohol in their assigned spaces, including residents who have roommates who are younger than 21.
    • According to the laws of the state of Florida, persons of legal drinking age may not supply alcohol to those under 21 years of age.
    • Alcohol can only be consumed and stored in bedrooms, suites and living rooms.
    • Alcohol is not allowed in public/common areas, including but not limited to lounges, study rooms, hallways, stairwells, courtyards and/or other areas outside of the residence halls.
    • Residents are prohibited from manufacturing and selling alcohol in the residence halls.
    • Paraphernalia is not permitted and is defined as items used in conjunction with unsafe/binge/communal drinking practices. Such items include but are not limited to:
      • Beer bongs
      • Kegs
      • Beer balls
      • Taps
      • Drinking funnels
      • Drinking game equipment
      • Alcohol containers used for decoration are prohibited regardless of resident’s age and type of alcohol bottle
  • Confiscation

    • Campus Safety & Security personnel reserve the right to confiscate and dispose of alcohol if it is in violation of any of the aforementioned policies.
    • Residents can be asked by Campus Safety personnel to pour out any alcohol and dispose of the containers properly.
    • Residents in Flight, AMS, ROTC and Athletics are bound to additional regulations; residents are responsible for knowing and adhering to each policy as they may face violations beyond the Honor Code (e.g., per the FAA, flight students alleged to have violated any of the alcohol policies will be g

Housing & Residence Life provides furnished rooms and common areas for all residents living in campus housing. The following policies are to be adhered to regarding residence hall furniture.

  • Room furniture cannot be altered in any way or moved from one room to another.
  • Common area/lounge furniture cannot be removed from its location.
  • Residents may not bring their own bed (frame and/or mattress).
  • Beds may only be lofted to the height of the highest rung on the bed end and can only be adjusted/lofted by University staff.
  • Residents cannot elevate their beds using purchased loft kits, cinder blocks, plastic bed risers, or any other means.
  • Additional locks may not be added to any doors within the residence halls. All doors must be accessible in case of emergencies.
  • Non-predatory fish are the only pets permitted.
  • Fish tanks cannot exceed ten gallons and must be cleaned regularly/maintained appropriately.
  • Fish are not permitted to be left in the residence halls during break periods.
  • Assistance (Emotional Support) Animals
    • Individuals requiring an assistance (emotional support) animal must register with, provide appropriate documentation to and be approved by Student Accessibility Services prior to bringing their animal onto campus. Residents who bring animals into the residence hall(s) prior to approval are subject to the Honor Code process.

Bicycles must be registered (free service) and are not permitted to be stored in the residence halls, with the exception of collapsible bicycles. Non-collapsible bicycles (including electric bicycles, pocket bikes, etc.) can only be stored/locked onto provided bike racks adjacent to most residence halls and campus buildings. If a bicycle is locked onto something other than a bike rack (e.g. light pole, bench, stair rail, etc.), it may be removed by Campus Safety & Security. Go online to the Daytona Beach Online Parking Registrati on page to register your bicycle for free.

Lease-a-Lock Program: High-security bike and motorcycle locks may be leased for an indefinite period of ti me from Campus Safety & Security (Student Union). When used properly, these locks offer much more protection against theft than ordinary chain or cable locks. When the lock and key are returned in working condition, the full deposit will be refunded.

A student or a group of students who are aware of illegal activities, violations of the Honor Code, and/or policy (including Housing & Residence Life Community Standards) violations and do nothing to prevent, stop, or report it are in violation of the Honor Code. Confidential reports can be filed with Campus Safety & Security or the Dean of Students Office.

It is the responsibility of the resident to maintain a clean and healthy environment in their assigned room and bathroom, additionally supporting the community by respecting one another and keeping common areas and lounges clean when in use. Cleaning services provided by the University are intended to maintain the facility and are there to augment daily cleaning by the residents. Any scheduled cleaning services cannot be refused.

Trash is to be disposed of in designated locations and is not permitted to pile/collect in rooms. Additionally, trash receptacles provided by the University in trash rooms and hallways are not to be moved into resident suites/rooms.

Residents diagnosed with a communicable disease that poses a health threat to other residents may be relocated to an alternate room on campus until determined to no longer be contagious. Staff will make every effort to maintain privacy of a resident who has knowledge of testing positive for any communicable disease. The temporary relocation process may be initiated by University staff or by resident disclosure. Residents are encouraged to seek medical assistance to maintain their health and wellbeing and that of the community.

The Department of Housing and Residence Life has worked with the Office of Environmental Health & Safety to update the permitted and prohibited cooking appliances for Embry-Riddle Daytona Beach Residence Halls.

Please review the approved appliances list when preparing to live on campus in one of our Residence Halls.

This list is subject to change at any time by the Department of Housing and Residence Life.

Courtesy hours are defined as times when noise of any kind is disruptive to a resident and/or community outside of designated quiet hours. Any reasonable request from a fellow resident or staff member must be honored. Quiet hours are defined as a time when residents and guests must keep the volume of all noise to a minimum, so as not to disrupt fellow residents and/or the community. There are specified quiet hours for evenings and weekends and special study/quiet hours during exam times:

  • Sunday-Thursday: 10 p.m.-8 a.m.
  • Friday-Saturday: Midnight-10 a.m.
  • Exam Week: 24/7 quiet hours starting at 10 p.m. on the night of the last day of classes through 8 a.m. of the day after the final exam period
Destroying, defacing, damaging, or tampering with property on University premises or property of any other person is prohibited. Residents may be held responsible (financially or otherwise) for damages. Note: Publicity items created by staff members, including but not limited to, bulletin boards, materials on bulletin boards, and signage is considered University property.

Residents are encouraged to add personal touches to their rooms, such as posters, pictures and other decorations. However, they must abide by the following: 

  • No items are allowed to be hung from the ceiling, sprinkler heads, exposed pipes or smoke detectors. 
  • Windows cannot be covered, and items placed on windows cannot be seen from outside the building when the shades are closed. 
  • Painter’s tape and damage-free adhesives are less likely to damage walls. Use of stickers, decals, putty or adhesive foam pads on walls orceilings often yield facility damage. Residents are not permitted to use any device that will leave holes/damage to the walls (e.g., tacks, nails, screws, etc.) 
  • The adhesive on LED strips often causes damage to the walls when being removed, so attaching these items directly to walls or other University property is prohibited. Any damage will result in a charge being applied to the resident's student account and possible referral through the student conduct process.
  • Painting residence hall walls, furniture, fixtures and other University property is not permitted. 
  • Due to potential fire hazards, no items may cover or obstruct light fixtures. Lights must be kept free from any/all materials. 
  • When posting decorations in common areas (e.g., outside of doors), use good judgment. Embry-Riddle reserves the right to remove any materials that it deems inappropriate, including but not limited to language that violates the University's Honor Codes (unprofessional language, profanity, discriminatory language, obscene/lewd language, etc.) and imagery of a sexual nature (drawings of genitalia, sexual acts, etc.)
  • Live-cut trees are not permitted in the residence halls.
  • Mini-refrigerators that do not exceed 4.4 cubic feet are permitted, with no more than one per resident.
  • Microwaves that do not exceed 1000 watts are permitted, with no more than one per resident.
  • Freezers (standalone/ice chests not attached to refrigerator) of any kind are prohibited. For clarification, countertop ice makers are permitted.
  • Extension cords/power strips:
    • Cannot exceed 10 feet in length.
    • Must be a UL-approved three-pronged extension cord.
    • Cannot impede safe traffic.
    • Must have a built-in circuit breaker and surge protector.
    • Only one outlet strip may be used per outlet and cannot be plugged into another power strip.
  • Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to ask residents to remove electronics if they prove to be a burden on the electrical system.
See the Failure to Comply Honor Code. Housing & Residence Life student staff, including Resident Advisors and Housing Ambassadors, acting in an official capacity are considered University officials.

All residence halls are equipped with fire safety systems. Each student resident receives a copy of the Housing and Residence Life Community Standards at the start of each semester. Fire drills are held periodically in all residence halls each semester. Students are required to evacuate to designated safety areas each time the fire alarm sounds. Designated areas and evacuation procedures are reviewed in individual living groups by resident advisors.

In the event of an actual fire, residents (and their guests) should sound the nearest fire alarm, if one is not sounding, and notify any University officials they encounter during their evacuation or at their designated safety areas. Intentional misuse of any fire alarm system or University fire safety equipment is prohibited and a violation of the Emergency/Fire Equipment and Procedures Honor Code Policy.

Residents and their guests are required by state law to promptly vacate any residence hall when a fire alarm is sounded. Intentionally delaying, obstructing, or resisting any University personnel or firefighter in the performance of his or her duty is prohibited. Residents must adhere to directives of University officials and/or emergency personnel and report to the designated evacuation area(s). During an evacuation, the building is not to be reentered until proper authorization is given by a University official.

Residents who negligently activate the fire alarm system are subject to be charged with violating this policy and the Emergency/Fire Equipment & Procedures Honor Code policy.

Residents are responsible for informing their guests about the Housing & Residence Life Policies and the Honor Code, as guests are subject to Embry-Riddle rules and regulations. Hosts will be held accountable for any violations of Housing & Residence Life and/or Honor Code policies by their guests.

  • A room/suitemate’s right to privacy, sleep and study take precedence over the rights of a host to have a guest.
  • All guests in the residence halls must be at least 18 years of age, unless the guest is an underage student currently enrolled at Embry-Riddle. (Requests for exemptions/approvals can be requested from Housing & Residence Life.)
  • Housing & Residence Life staff reserve the right to ask guests to leave if they begin to pose a community disruption, violate any University or department policies, or the number of people exceeds fire safety requirements.
  • Residents cannot provide their key(s) and/or Eagle Card to their guest(s).
  • Cohabitation by anyone other than the Embry-Riddle Student assigned to that suite and/or room is prohibited. This includes other residents, non-resident guests, family members, significant others, etc.
  • Doolittle: By default, guests must use the single-use restrooms in the first floor lobby. For overnight guests, all residents assigned to a designated restroom must agree to guests being able to use that designated restroom, and this agreement should be noted on their respective suitemate agreements.
  • The sponsoring resident must accompany their guest at all times and is responsible for their visitor’s actions and behavior, including their initial eligibility to be a guest. Guests must not be left unattended in any residence hall areas, including community spaces and inside resident suites/rooms.
  • Overnight visitors are permitted in the residence halls, provided that no overnight visitor may remain in a residence hall for more than three nights in any calendar week (Sunday-Saturday) or more than three consecutive nights.
  • Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to amend the guest and visitor policy at any time.
Please reference the Harassment Honor Code. Harassment is not acceptable within the University community, and is defined as any willful, intentional or unintentional, persistent, or reckless act that knowingly and maliciously harms or taunts another individual or group or conduct that poses a reasonable fear of harm or creates a hostile environment.
Residents alleged to have violated or found responsible for violating the Illegal Drugs & Other Substances or Paraphernalia Honor Code are subject to dismissal or suspension from University housing without refund.

Keys must be in your possession at all times and can never be given to anyone else for any reason. All room keys are the property of Embry-Riddle; therefore, no resident may duplicate keys. Residents are responsible for the security of their room.

  • Lost keys are to be reported to Housing & Residence Life, and a $150 fee will be assessed per lock changed.
  • Lockouts:
    • Business Hours: Go to the Housing & Residence Life office
    • After-hours and weekends: See the RAs on duty
  • Doors:
    • Exterior doors (including Chanute front doors) are never to be propped. Entry doors to suites may only be propped if all residents agree to it and at least one resident is in the residential space while the door is propped. Taping over locks or altering the door, doorframe or lock in any way that prevents the door from locking is prohibited.
    • Tampering with and (re)programming card readers are prohibited. Those alleged to have violated this policy are subject to the student conduct process.
    • Doolittle: Bathroom doors are never to be propped.

Students who reside in University managed housing are subject to certain missing student notification procedures. Anyone suspecting that a student is missing must immediately notify Campus Safety & Security. An officer will respond to any report and begin an immediate investigation. Campus Safety & Security’s response will include notification to the Daytona Beach Police Department if the investigation confirms the student is missing. If the missing student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, Embry-Riddle will notify the emergency contact.

As a residential student, you may identify a contact person(s) who the institution will notify if you are determined to be missing. This contact person’s information is communicated to Housing & Residence Life as a part of your housing contract application process. The information provided will be kept confidential by the department and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement involved in the missing person investigation.

Musical instruments may be played as long as they are not distracting to others and the player is abiding by the Courtesy/Quiet Hours Community Standard.
Residents are prohibited from using store bought insecticide as it counteracts the insecticide used by the campus. If in need of assistance, contact the Housing & Residence Life office (during business hours), submit a Housing Maintenance Work Request form (located on ERNIE), or contact the RA-on-Duty.
  • All signs, posters, and other advertisements must be approved by Student Engagement & Student Union and Housing & Residence Life offices prior to posting and/or distribution.

  • Organizations can bring their pre-printed and pre-approved (must have the Student Engagement & Student Union approval stamp) material(s) to the Housing & Residence Life office for posting in the residence halls.

  • Solicitation of any kind is not permitted in the residence halls.

  • 3D printers that produce a respiratory hazard (use powered material or produce dust) or use or produce metal/metal materials
  • Alcohol and other drug paraphernalia (see Alcohol Honor Code and HRL Community Standard)
  • Ammunition, including airsoft (see Weapons Honor Code and HRL Community Standard)
  • Candles, incense and any item with an open flame; candles used for religious practices are permitted by first obtaining permission from Housing & Residence Life
  • Darts and dart boards
  • Explosives, including fireworks
  • Fog/smoke machines
  • Freezers (standalone, not those included in approved mini-fridges)
  • Hazardous Materials (flammable, corrosive, reactive and toxic materials)
  • Halogen lamps
  • Home theater systems, including subwoofers
  • Hookahs
  • Hoverboards, smart boards and self-balancing boards
  • Lasers outside of a classroom environment
  • Lava lamps
  • LED strips attached to University walls or property
  • Live-cut trees (e.g. Christmas trees)
  • Non-ceramic personal space heaters
  • Shopping carts
  • Slack/tension lines
  • Toy guns, including Nerf and water
  • Weapons (see Weapons Honor Code and HRL Community Standard)
  • Wireless routers, switches and network hubs (permitted in Chanute Complex)

Please note: Housing & Residence Life professional staff and Campus Safety & Security reserve the right to confiscate any item(s) or substance(s) that are in violation of Housing & Residence Life policies and the Embry-Riddle Honor Code. HRL reserves the right to update this list at any time.

It is prohibited to videotape, audio record, or take pictures of persons using any current or future technologies without their knowledge and/or consent when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and/or confidentiality.

Residence halls are the property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Therefore, the University reserves the right to enter and/or search residence hall rooms and common areas for the purposes of inventory, fire protection, sanitation, health and safety, maintenance, and enforcement of policies and regulations. Inspections are done periodically and may be done with or without advance notice.

To preserve the resident’s privacy, other than routine room inspections, searches are conducted only when reasonable belief has been established that a Housing & Residence Life regulation/policy or state/federal statute has been violated. These regulations and policies may include, but are not limited to, alcohol, drugs, sexual misconduct, theft, and weapons. After reasonable belief has been established, the procedure for searching a room is as follows:

  • The resident will first be asked to cooperate with the room search. If the resident refuses and reasonable belief has been established, the University will proceed and conduct the search without the consent.
  • An attempt will be made to have a resident of the room present in order to carry out the search. Any resident(s) present will be informed of the purpose of the search.
  • The search will be conducted by members of Campus Safety & Security with Housing & Residence Life staff members present during this time.
  • Rooms/suites will only be searched with the residents assigned to the space.
  • Illegal substances or other prohibited materials found during the course of the search will be confiscated, inventoried, and stored with Campus Safety & Security. These items may be used as evidence in an administrative student conduct process on the campus and/or criminal prosecution in the local community.
  • In incidents of imminent danger or extreme emergency, procedures may be suspended. For further information, contact Housing & Residence Life, Campus Safety & Security, and/or the Dean of Students Office.
  • Information and instructions will be communicated to students from the University via RAVE alert system, campus outdoor siren, University email, and/or ERNIE/Embry-Riddle website. 

  • Shelter-in-Place: Shelter-in-place is used for any type of emergency where it is safer to secure yourself in the current location. The situation may be weather-related or because of a hostile situation. If in the residence halls, safely and quickly proceed to an area without windows/glass (typically interior halls and bathrooms) until the advisory is lifted and communicated by the University.

  • Follow all University instructions until an all-clear is given by a University official.

  • See the Campus Safety & Security Quick Reference Guide for more information.

Due to the potential damage, residents are required to use these items in an appropriate outdoor space. Items with wheels, including but not limited to, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and/or scooters may not be used anywhere in the residence halls. Additionally, balls, racquets, hockey sticks, flying-disc, remote-controlled devices, and similar items may not be used anywhere in the residence halls.

Housing & Residence Life professional staff and Campus Safety & Security officers reserve the right to confiscate these items if they are used inappropriately.

Use of tobacco products are not permitted anywhere on University-owned or leased property (including buildings, parking lots, personal vehicles, etc.). Additionally, tobacco products are prohibited in all University vehicles, including vans, trucks, buses, and all University aircraft. Students are prohibited from using any tobacco product whether in the form of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, dipping/snuff, smokeless cigarettes, electronic cigarettes/vaping, hookahs, or chewing tobacco on campus. Those alleged to have violated this policy are subject to the student conduct process and having their tobacco/nicotine products confiscated.
Unless otherwise indicated all rooms are double occupancy. If after the room change and consolidation period a vacancy exists in a room, the Department considers that bed space available for use. It is imperative that vacant spaces are kept clean, empty, and move-in-ready to welcome a new resident. This includes leaving all university-provided furniture clear of belongings. When possible the Department will notify residents of new roommates, however there may be times when notification does not occur. Residents may not deliberately intimidate, reject, and/or discourage potential roommates from occupying the vacancy.
With the exception of law enforcement and Campus Safety & Security Officers, it remains University policy that guns may not be possessed on property owned or controlled by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, including parking lots.

Possession of weapons and weapon replicas, including but not limited to, firearms, BB guns, air guns, knives, swords, machetes, blow darts, spears, compound bows/arrows, Tasers, brass knuckles, slingshots, martial arts devices, dangerous chemicals, incendiary devices, or other explosive substances including fireworks is prohibited and banned from University property. This policy includes ammunition, any device capable of firing or launching a projectile, or other objects classified or used as weapons with potential for danger or harm.

Pocket knives with blades two inches in length or shorter are allowed for functional purposes.

Residents alleged to have violated or found responsible for violating the Weapons Honor Code are subject to dismissal or suspension from University housing without refund.
Windows are not to be opened (even if not bolted shut). Residents cannot remove rivets/pins and/or screens from windows. Rivets are provided for safety and security reasons. Entering/exiting via windows, hanging items outside of the window, and throwing or disposing of objects through the window is prohibited. Decorations cannot cover and/or be seen in windows from the exterior.