1-6 of 6 results

  • Project Haiti

    PI Marc Compere

    The goals of Project Haiti are to provide Haitians with clean drinking water, to expose our college students to another culture, and to give them a hands-on experience using their engineering skills to directly help people.

    Many Haitians living in the tent cities after the earthquake deal with chronic intestinal sickness from contaminated water. Our solar water purifier is designed to provide clean drinking water for 500 adults per day.The Summer 2014 purifier will be installed at the Dayspring Missions orphanage in Croix des Bouquets area, a suburb east of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. It will provide up to 6000 gallons of water a day with the water being used by the orphans, distributed to three local church communities, as well as being sold to the community to generate income and filter replacement costs.

    This project is an ideal intersection of humanitarian aid and engineering. Our students designed and built Embry-Riddle's solar powered water purifier for delivery to a Haitian tent camp. They learned how to use solar panels, batteries, pumps, and filters to construct a purifier that runs entirely from the sun. Now that it is completed, our students have become better engineers and they have learned a global perspective and the satisfaction of helping people in a developing country.

    More on Project Haiti

    Past Efforts

    Summer 2010

    In Summer 2010 Embry-Riddle students delivered a 1 gallon-per-minute (gpm) water purifier powered entirely from the sun. The 2010 trip report presentation is available here. It was a valuable success for over 150 college student volunteers who traveled to Haiti that summer to help the disaster relief effort. The Nehemiah Vision Ministries camp upgraded to a 10gpm unit for greater capacity.

    Summer 2011

    In Summer 2011, our team of students designed and installed a 4gpm unit powered entirely from the sun. We installed it at the Anne Clemande Children's Foundation in Chambellan, Haiti. They operate a children's home and school with approximately 600 children and staff. They had no access to clean drinking water. The 2011 trip report is downloadable here.

    Summer 2012

    In Summer 2012, our team of Embry-Riddle students delivered a community water system providing 14gpm of clean, safe water to an Internally Displaced People (IDP) camp named Onaville The purifier is in daily operation delivering roughly 15,000 gallons per day. Onaville was the largest tent city in Haiti during post-earthquake Haiti. This is our most successful trip from a partnership standpoint, a purifier standpoint, and also an academic standpoint. Students received credit during a summer course titled ME595 Practicum in Water Purification. The 2012 trip report is here.

    Summer 2013

    The Summer 2013 unit was installed in Michaud, Haiti, at the Ryan Epps Home for Children. Michaud is a suburb of Port-Au-Prince. This is a 14gpm unit powered entirely by the sun which means nearly zero recurring cost to operate the unit. This is ideal for starting a sustainable micro-business. This system combined with the micro-business provides clean, safe drinking water and also create jobs, generate recurring income, and improve community health. The 2013 trip report is available for download here.

    Academic Integration

    • Our 2012 EPA P3 Entry was a Portable Solar Water Purification Backpack for Disaster Releief. It won the $90k EPA Phase II award, the US Army's NetZero Water Award, and the Student's Choice Award at the 2012 National Sustainable Design Expo
    • Dr. Compere teaches two water courses:
      • ME595J, Practicum in Water Purification is a lab based, hands-on course that provides students with practical experience in testing for water-borne pathogens, water purification methods, and solar power systems
      • HON350, Emerging Trends in Global Water Supply and Demand is a humanities survey course raising awareness of water as the new high-value commodity. This course highlights the major issues in the water-energy nexus, water-food nexus, and water-climate nexus.
    • An American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) SouthEast Regional conference paper on the 2012 unit and trip is available here.



    Gifts at any level make a direct impact: Donate to Project Haiti.

    Categories: Undergraduate

  • Maritime RobotX Challenge

    PI Eric Coyle

    CO-I Patrick Currier

    CO-I Charles Reinholtz

    CO-I Brian Butka

    The Maritime RobotX Challenge entails the development and demonstration of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV). Embry-Riddle is one of three U.S. schools selected to compete in the challenge, which is co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Foundation.

    ​The 2014 ERAU platform, named Minion, is a 16-foot fully-autonomous Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel (WAM-V) platform and is registered as an autonomous boat in the state of Florida. Minion's development currently focuses on autonomous tasks of buoy channel navigation, debris avoidance, docking, target identification and sonar localization. To accomplishing these tasks, the team has developed as set of system software nodes including state estimation, object classification, mapping and trajectory planning. These nodes run in parallel across a set of networked computers for distributed processing. Minion's propulsion system is centered around a set rim-driven hubless motors attached to articulated motor pods. This design reduces the risk of entanglement, and provides consistent thrust by maintaining motor depth in rough seas.

    The group is currently developing the 2016 platform for the competition

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Magnetically-Driven Ventricular Assist Device

    PI Eduardo Divo

    CO-I Christopher Adams

    The proposed project brings together multi-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and mock circulatory loop (MCL) benchtop experiments to analyze the hemodynamics of a proposed Magnetically-Driven Ventricular Assist Device (MVAD).

    The multi-scale CFD model combines 0D RLC (Resistance-Inductance-Compliance) chambers to simulate the effects of arterial, capillary, and venous beds coupled with a 3DCFD model of the main arterial system where the MVAD will reside. In addition, a benchtop MCL will be calibrated using vascular resistance elements and compliance chambers to validate the multi-scale CFD predictions. The MCL will be driven by a Harvard Apparatus pulsatile pump that simulates the ventricular output and the test-selection centerpiece will be the MVAD prototype. The MCL fluid will be water loaded with magnetically-charged particles (such as ferrous particles embedded in silicon spheres). A dimensional analysis will be carried out by matching fluid dynamics parameters (such as Reynolds and Womersley numbers) between the Multi-Scale CFD and the benchtop MCL. This will allow the numerical and benchtop analyses to be analogous even though they operate on different fluids (blood and water). The results of this study will serve as validation of the hypothesis that a magnetically-driven pump with no moving parts can serve to assist in the cardiovascular circulation and thus reduce the risks associated with mechanical assist devices such as thrombus formation and stagnation. 

    Categories: Undergraduate

  • Composite Wind Turbine Blade

    PI Sathya Gangadharan

    The world's primary energy needs are projected to grow by 56% between 2005 and 2030, by an average annual rate of 1.8% per year (International Energy Agency, 2012). Energy policy has confirmed the improvement of the environment sustainability of energy as a primary objective also though increasing use of renewable sources (Increasing Wind Energy's contribution to U.S. Electricity supply, 2008).

    Wind energy research is being followed in the world as an alternative to fulfill increasing electricity power demand, United State Department of Energy is aiming to expand the wind power in the U.S. Currently, 15.4 GW of power are installed and operational, with an expected growth the U.S. wind capacity will be at 310 GW by 2030, representing 20% of the nation's power needs (Increasing Wind Energy's contribution to U.S. Electricity supply, 2008).

    Research on composite wind turbine blade carried out in Embry-Riddle is described below:


    To maximize aerodynamic efficiency and structural robustness while reducing blade mass and total cost.A multidisciplinary design analysis optimization (MDAO) process is defined for a composite wind turbine blade to optimize its aerodynamic and structural performance by developing a fluid-structural interaction (FSI) system. MDAO process is defined in conjunction with structural and aerodynamic performance of the blade which is divided into three steps and the design variables considered are related to the shape parameters, twist distributions, pitch angle, material and the relative thickness based on number of composite layers at different blade sections. Maximum allowable tip deformations, modal frequencies and allowable stresses are set as design constraints. Airfoil performance is predicted with 2D airfoils analysis, while 3D CFD analysis is performed by ANSYS CFX software. A parameterized finite element model of the blade created in ANSYS ACP composite prepost and used to define the composite layups of the blade. The results of the CFD and the structural analysis are used for the optimization process accompanied by the cost estimation to obtain a compromised solution between aerodynamic performance and structural robustness. For the MDAO process number of design of experiments (DOEs) is defined by G optimality method and a response surface is created. Sensitivity analysis is performed to observe the impact of input parameter on each output parameters for enhanced control of the MDAO process. Further, to improve aerodynamic performance of the blade, new design approach with modified Tip (winglet) and rotor section is studied and substantial improvement in power generated over high quality baseline wind turbine blade is presented.


    Preliminary baseline finite element (FE) model calibrations and evaluations are developed to assist and guide multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) of a large-scale hybrid composite wind turbine blade. The weight, displacement, and failure index are compared and used for calibration purposes. In addition, a cost estimation model is calibrated for labor hour, as well as labor cost, material cost and total cost. Stability of baseline wind turbine blade against harmonic resonance due to rotor rotation is validated by finite element analysis (FEA). A MDO process is proposed using the calibrated FE and cost estimation models. The MDO optimizes multiple objectives such as blade length, weight, manufacturing cost, and power production. For this analysis, the turbine blade is divided into regions and the sequence of hybrid laminate layup for each region is considered as design variables. Extreme wind condition for rotor rotation and rotor stop condition is considered as the applied load on the blade. The designed structural strength and stiffness are demonstrated to withstand the loads due to harmonic excitation from rotor rotation. A process of design procedure for obtaining an optimum hybrid composite laminate layup and an optimum blade length of a wind turbine blade structure is developed in this research.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Fuel Slosh

    PI Sathya Gangadharan

    2014 marks the eleventh year of Fuel Slosh studies that have been carried out at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Initially funded by NASA Graduate Student Research Program (GSRP) along with Southwest Research Institute, the research was started by Keith Schlee, a graduate student, under the guidance of Dr. Sathya Gangadharan, professor at Embry-Riddle.

    The research involved extensive theoretical and computational analysis. A fuel slosh test rig was set up at the structures lab for the students and researchers to conduct various experiments and validate their results.This research has evolved from the study of fuel slosh to the effect of diaphragms and baffles on slosh behavior and to the use of smart materials in actively damping the slosh. Tests on effectiveness of damping have also been carried out at NASA's Spinning Slosh Test Rig (SSTR) located at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas. Research works are frequently published at but not limited to American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) and so on.A gist of some of the research works in Fuel Slosh carried out at Embry-Riddle is described below from the previous to the current on-going research:(Note: Only selective research works are mentioned below, for complete list of fuel slosh research works contact Dr. Sathya Gangadharan)


    Mission:The research is directed toward modeling fuel slosh on spinning spacecraft using simple pendulum analogs. The pendulum analog will model a spherical tank with no PMD's. An electric motor will induce the motion of the pendulum to simulate free surface slosh. Parameters describing the simple pendulum models will characterize the modal frequency of the free surface sloshing motion. The one degree of freedom model will help to understand fuel sloshing and serve as a stepping stone for future more complex simulations to predict the NTC accurately with less time and effort.


    Mission: By using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver such as Fluent, a model for this fuel slosh can be created. The accuracy of the model must be tested by comparing its results to an experimental test case. Such a model will allow for the variation of many different parameters such as fluid viscosity and gravitational field, yielding a deeper understanding of spacecraft slosh dynamics.


    Mission: MATLAB SimMechanics fuel slosh model can be used to estimate slosh parameters and predict dynamic effects on dependent systems. Comparative flight data was acquired by spinning a mock spacecraft with partially filled propellant tanks in a microgravity environment. Empirical and simulated NTC's are compared to validate a SimMechanics fuel slosh model.


    Mission:The main objective of this research is to validate computational modeling of fuel slosh scenarios so that it may become the primary means of testing fuel slosh scenarios during initial spacecraft design. By expanding on past research objectives, this research aims at complementing the pre-existing data with new data from added computational and experimental simulations. Additionally, this research aims at conducting an extensive study of the computational fuel slosh models used in this investigation. The current research investigation presents detailed results of the fluid behavior within the tank and initiates an even more extensive investigation of fluid behavior for future fuel slosh research studies at ERAU.


    Mission:The focus of this research is to investigate the fuel slosh behavior in propellant tanks. Different types of baffles and hemispherical asperities are introduced inside the tank to characterize the slosh behavior of the fluid. The modeling and the analysis of slosh is done using the CFD solver ANSYS CFX for tanks with and without baffles and for tanks with hemispherical asperities. Physical models are fabricated for experimental testing using the fuel slosh test facility at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Using the single axis linear actuator and fuel tank set up in the test facility, experimental results are obtained with and without baffles. The experiment and CFD modeling results are compared.


    Mission: Embedding floating micro-baffles with an electro-active material such that the baffle can be manipulated when exposed to a magnetic field preserves the benefits of both floating and static baffle designs. Activated micro-baffles form a rigid layer at the free surface and provide a restriction of the fluid motion. Proposed micro-baffle design and magnetic activation source method along with proof-of-concept experiments comparing the scope of this research to previous PMD methods are presented. A computational fluid dynamics approach is outlined. Preliminary proof-of-concept testing indicates floating electro-active micro-baffles reduce the damping time of sloshing by up to 88% as compared to the same slosh condition with the absence of any PMDs.


    Mission:To study the use of a hybrid Magnetostrictive membrane as a Magnetostrictive Propellant Management Device (MSPMD) to actively control the free surface effect and reduce fuel slosh.. The viability of merging existing diaphragm membrane aka Propellant management device (PMD) with a magnetostrictive inlay embedded with the Terfenol-D matrix / MR-Fluid allows us to actively control the membrane during in-flight conditions. Apart from the development, analysis on the control of the hybrid active membrane and the use of the same to dampen fuel slosh is also performed in order to establish the proof of concept. During the development process of the hybrid active membrane, the geometric dependency of the meta-smart structure is analyzed to optimize the membrane shape, size and material.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • UAS Ground Collision Severity Evaluation

    PI Feng Zhu

    CO-I Eduardo Divo

    CO-I Victor Huayamave

    Increased use of UAS requires an in-depth understanding of the hazard severity and likelihood of UAS operations in the NAS. Due to their distinct characteristics (e.g. size, weight and shape) with manned aircraft systems, UAS operations may pose unique hazards to other aircraft and people on the ground. 

    Up to date, the studies on the UAS ground collision are still very much limited, particularly the scenario of impact between UAS and human body on the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to determine lethality thresholds for UAS using characteristic factors that affect the potential lethality of UAS in collisions with other objects, particularly human body on the ground. The objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the response and failure behavior of several typical UASs impact with human body on the ground; and (2) establish the damage threshold of UAS and its correlation with the key parameters in the crash accidents (e.g. shape, size and materials of UAS; impact energy and impulse etc.). To achieve this goal, advanced computational modeling techniques (e.g. finite element method/FEM) will be used to simulate the typical UAS/people impact scenarios.Based on the results, a design guidance can be further suggested to improve the crashworthiness of UAS and safety of personnel on the ground.

    Conventional 14 CFR system safety analyses include hazards to flight crew and occupants may not be applicable to unmanned aircraft.  It is necessary to determine the dedicated hazard severity thresholds for UAS and identify the key factors that affect the potential severity of UAS in collisions with other aircraft on the ground or in airborne encounters as well as collisions with people on the ground.  These severity thresholds will help determine acceptable corresponding system failure levels in accordance with the applicable 14 CFR requirements (for example 14 CFR 23.1309 and 14 CFR 25.1309).

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

1-6 of 6 results