ERAU Navy ROTC student conduct physical fitness training

All Navy option midshipmen MUST pass the forearm plank, pushup, and 1.5-mile run events with a “Good – Low” minimum score in each category at least once per semester.

Males: Age 20 - 24 years

Category Level Points Forearm
1.5 mi run 500 yd swim 450 m swim
Outstanding High 100 3:20 87 8:30 6:30 6:20
Outstanding Medium 95 3:15 86 9:00 7:00 6:50
Outstanding Low 90 3:10 81 9:15 7:30 7:20
Excellent High 85 3:00 77 9:45 8:00 7:50
Excellent Medium 80 2:50 74 10:00 8:15 8:05
Excellent Low 75 2:40 71 10:30 8:45 8:35
Good High 70 2:20 64 10:45 9:30 9:20
Good Medium 65 2:00 55 11:30 10:30 10:20
Good Low 60 1:40 47 12:00 11:30 11:20
Satisfactory High 55 1:30 45 12:45 12:00 11:50
Satisfactory Medium 50 1:20 42 13:15 12:15 12:05
Probationary   45 1:10 37 13:30 13:00 12:50

Females: Age 20 - 24 years

Category Level Points Forearm
1.5 mi run 500 yd swim 450 m swim
Outstanding High 100 3:10 48 9:47 7:15 7:05
Outstanding Medium 95 3:05 47 11:15 8:00 7:50
Outstanding Low 90 3:00 44 11:30 8:45 8:35
Excellent High 85 2:50 43 12:15 9:15 9:05
Excellent Medium 80 2:40 40 12:45 9:45 9:35
Excellent Low 75 2:30 39 13:15 10:00 9:50
Good High 70 2:10 33 13:30 11:00 10:50
Good Medium 65 1:50 28 13:45 12:15 12:05
Good Low 60 1:30 21 14:15 13:15 13:05
Satisfactory High 55 1:20 20 15:00 13:45 13:35
Satisfactory Medium 50 1:10 17 15:15 14:00 13:50
Probationary   45 1:00 16 15:30 14:30 14:20

How to Calculate Your Score

Calculate your score by adding points from each individual event and divide by 3 to obtain your average score. A passing score is the good category or better.

 Category Points
Maximum 100
Outstanding 90
Excellent 75
Good 60
Satisfactory 45
Probationary <45

For all Marine Option Midshipmen to activate their scholarship and be accepted into the NROTC program, they are required to pass the Marine Corps PFT with a minimum score of 200. Following their entry year, Marine option midshipmen are required to maintain a minimum score of 235 and must have a score of 265 before attending Officer Candidate School the summer before their senior year. Listed below is a link to the current Marine Corps PFT standards:


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LT Steve Dull – Recruiting Officer


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