Prior to Beginning College
The best way to gain entrance to the Embry Riddle NROTC Unit is to apply for and receive the 4-year National Scholarship prior to Freshman year. If offered this scholarship, you will join the NROTC unit from day one. You may start the process of applying during the second semester of your junior year of high school. Embry-Riddle NROTC is one of the most desired units in the nation, and open positions in our unit fill quickly, so prospective candidates are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.
After Beginning College, but Not Attending ERAU
If you wish to join the Embry Riddle NROTC unit, but have not received an NROTC scholarship and have begun studies at another university, you may still have the opportunity to apply for the 4-year National Scholarship during the Fall term of your freshman year (Deadline Dec. 31).
After Beginning College, Attending ERAU
If you are an Embry-Riddle student who has not received a NROTC scholarship, you also have the opportunity to join the unit as part of the College Program and compete for a 3-Year or 2-Year Sideload scholarship. Due to the large number of potential applicants, the College Program will only be offered to candidates beginning their sophomore year. To apply for a Sideload Scholarship and join the College Program:
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
- Enroll in NSC 101 (Not required, but highly encouraged, as you will be required to complete this course retroactively if you are accepted to the program. This also allows you to interact directly with you prospective classmates and your Naval Science Instructors)
Spring Semester
- Enroll in NSC 102 (Not required, but highly encouraged, as you will be required to complete this course retroactively if you are accepted to the program, after completing NSC 101)
- Schedule a meeting with our Recruiting Officer to discuss College Program Options
- Submit College Program application
- Submit required paperwork for New Student Indoctrination (NSI)
- Submit a Sideload (3 YR) Scholarship Application (the application will be passed out by the NSC 102 instructor)
- Attend New Student Indoctrination (NSI)
- Sideload Scholarship Board Results are normally released in August.
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester
If awarded a 3-Year Sideload Scholarship
- Enroll in NSC 201 (and NSC 101, if not previously completed)
- Check in to the Unit, pass a Physical Readiness Test
- Attend Midshipmen Orientation
- Officially join the ERAU NROTC Battalion
If not awarded a 3-Year Sideload Scholarship
- Schedule a meeting with our Recruiting Officer to discuss College Program Options.