As a member of the Naval ROTC program, you will experience things that some college students only dream of doing. You will be training to become a leader of sailors and Marines — a duty and responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. While your training and education are the primary focus of NROTC, you will have a life beyond the U.S. Navy during your four years here. Friendships made here last a lifetime, and you will have a stronger bond with those in the program than most college students have with others, as illustrated in the event photos below:
Battalion Clubs
Our battalion has lots to offer for midshipmen who want to get involved in extracurricular activities. Our clubs within the battalion allow midshipmen to do everything from training for real-world situations, to attending drill meets across the country, to presenting the colors at prestigious functions, such as the Daytona 500 or the Orlando Magic game.
Drill Team
The ERAU NROTC Unit Drill Team provides an outlet for all members of the Battalion to practice their drill and marching skills. In an effort to foster pride and demonstrate the abilities of its members, the Drill Team participates as instructors and judges for the local high school Navy Junior ROTC drill meets.
Color Guard
What performance or ceremony would be complete without a crisp color guard performance beforehand to kick things off? ERAU's NROTC Color Guard performs such presentations for a variety of groups and events, both on and off campus. Notable among these have been functions for the local chapter of the Navy League, the NASA Astronaut Hall of Fame as well as joint presentations with the Army and Air Force for the University's graduation ceremonies and Daytona 500/NASCAR racing events.
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