1-3 of 3 results

  • Researching How You Teach Holistic Modeling (RHYTHM)

    PI Kelsey Rodgers

    CO-I Matthew Verleger

    CO-I Lisa Davids

    "Models are a critical part of the analysis and design of engineered systems. The purpose of multiple types of models (physical, mathematical, computational, and financial) is to provide a simplified representation of reality that mimics the features of the engineered system, and that predicts the behavior of the system. This project, a collaboration between Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, San Jose State University, and the University of Louisville, aims to improve engineering students' modeling competence. The project plans to achieve this goal by transforming first-year engineering courses to teach modeling as an engineering tool. The project will change existing course materials, pedagogy, and assessment methods across the three institutions. Each institution will implement its own specific strategy to teach mathematical, physical, computational, and financial modeling, thus providing three different approaches. By comparing student's modeling abilities across the institutions and approaches, the project aims to identify the most impactful approaches for teaching multiple modeling in introductory undergraduate engineering courses.

    The project is guided by a "holistic modeling perspective" theoretical framework, that builds on the successful "Models and Modeling Perspective" and "Computational Adaptive Expertise" frameworks. The objectives of the project are to: (1) implement, test, and refine holistic modeling environments for institutions that have flexibility in changing curriculum and for instructors that have different degrees of interest in changing their course(s); (2) implement, test, and refine methods to assess students' modeling abilities; and (3) evaluate and present the results of modeling abilities attained by students at three different universities. A unified language and discussion around modeling will be adopted in all revised courses. An assessment tool to measure students' modeling competence will be developed and implemented at each university. This work builds upon existing research in the development of more easily adaptable and adoptable modeling pedagogies and modeling languages. The following broad research question guides the research: How do students' definitional knowledge, ability to apply, and ability to create models change based on different degrees of modeling integration in the classroom?

    This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria."

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Developing Artifact Peer Review Assignment Methodologies to Maximize the Value of Peer Review for Students

    PI Matthew Verleger

    This engineering education research project seeks to develop a proof-of-concept peer review matching algorithm and demonstrate if it is a valuable and viable methodology for conducting peer review. Peer review is a proven method that has positive impact on student learning. The project will test the algorithm on Model Eliciting Activities in the engineering classroom, and investigate how changing peer review can affect student learning.

    The broader significance and importance of this project is the transformative potential of improving peer review processes, since peer review is used throughout STEM and medical fields. Thus this preliminary investigation can extend outside the realm of improving student learning. This project overlaps with NSF's strategic goals of transforming the frontiers through preparation of an engineering workforce with new capabilities and expertise. Additionally NSF's goal of innovating for society is enabled by supporting the development of innovative learning systems.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Platform for Investigating Concept Networks on the Instrumentality of Knowledge (PICNIK)

    PI Matthew Verleger

    This engineering education research project seeks to develop a concept network for engineering and a platform for helping students identify how concepts are connected across a curriculum.  The goal is to better understand and improve how students value the concepts being taught throughout their education.

    By data mining course materials (i.e., textbooks, course notes, syllabi, video transcripts, websites, etc.), a concept network can be developed for that course. With each additional resource, the network connectedness become more fully representative.  By mapping materials from courses throughout a curriculum, and then overlaying the resulting map on a degree plan of study, students will be able to better identify and value how concepts being taught today are connected and used throughout the rest of their education. For instructors, curricular redesign becomes significantly easier, as they will be able to more fully contextualize how other courses depend on their material.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

1-3 of 3 results

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