Questions related to academic advising and course registration

In most cases, classes are offered on Monday-Wednesday-Friday OR Tuesday-Thursday.  Most MWF classes are held for 50 minutes, and T/TH classes are held for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Students are assigned an advisor based on the college in which their degree program is found. Learn more about your Undergraduate Advisor.

Academic Advisors are located in each of the colleges:

Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-Noon, 1-5 p.m.

Appointments are recommendedwalk-ins are also accepted.

Please visit the Self-Registration & Course Scheduling page in ERNIE for instructions on how to register for courses and to find typical first semester schedules for first-year students.  If additional support is needed after reading this information, please contact your academic advisor

Follow the instructions for Self-Registration. Instructions for using the Schedule Planner can be found on the Self-Registration and Course Scheduling page.

Most courses offer multiple “sections” of a class. For example, COM 122 (English Composition) offers as many as 36 class sections in one term. Each section has a specific time/day(s) of the week in which the class meets, and an assigned instructor. A student may choose one section from those 36 class options that best fits their schedule. A class section number is denoted by a number followed by DB, e.g., COM 122-36DB.

To be considered a full-time student, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits. The maximum credit load is 16.  Suggested total number of credits for the first semester are found at the bottom of the Typical First Semester Schedule page.

Accepted students may register for classes and make changes to schedules until the last day of the ADD/DROP period in their initial enrollment term. Ideally though, students will be registered for at least 12 credits by the first day of classes. 

Students are encouraged to review their degree program outlined in the Course Catalog to learn more about their program and required courses needed to graduate. Make sure you reference your catalog year. If you have any questions link to bio page.

HYB is the abbreviation for a hybrid class which offers instruction in both lecture and online formats.  A hybrid class is defined as a course “best suited for students who are technically competent, self-disciplined and highly motivated”. 

Individual departments update professor assignments for classes. In the event a professor has not yet been assigned to a class, the course listing will have “Staff” until an update is made.

Yes, in nearly all cases students are able to get to all of their classes in a timely manner. The academic buildings are located within a reasonable walking distance of each other and offer students enough time to get from one class to the next. Exceptions may exist for some students involved in programs such as ROTC, athletics or flight. 

Questions related to transfer credits (AP/IB/dual enrollment, etc.)

Please review the Transfer Course Credit information in ERNIE to determine how transfer credit can be applied. Credit will be awarded when proper documentation has been received by the university and evaluated and approved by the Office of the Registrar. Once the Office of the Registrar awards credits, an academic advisor will then be able to assist with interpreting how these credits will count toward a degree, and what courses to take.

Transfer credits can be found in Campus Solutions Student Homepage. Click on the Academic Records tile and select Transfer Credit Report from the menu on the left side of the screen. This page will list all posted transfer credits. Transfer credits can also be viewed on the Course History screen which can be found in the same menu list.

  • Please contact to have AP scores sent directly to ERAU. Transfer credits from another college/university will be evaluated upon receipt of an official transcript from that institution.
  • IB scores must be received by ERAU from International Baccalaureate. All requests to IB must be submitted by the program coordinator of the school where the student is enrolled in the Diploma Programme (DP).  For more information, please review how to request IB transcripts.

Questions about Placement Evaluations (ALEKS/Composition Online Evaluation/PSVT:R)

The course placement listed in the To Do List will be removed upon completion of the course.

Following completion of the online Composition Evaluation (Comp Eval), results can be expected to be posted within a two-week period (approximately). Please visit the ERAU Writing Program site to find more information about course placement and the ERAU Writing Program.

  • The Composition Online Evaluation cannot be reset for an additional attempt.  Should a student have difficulty accessing the test or have complications, they may take the test in person in the Department of Humanities and Communication upon arriving on campus before classes begin.  Please visit the ERAU Writing Program site to find more information about course placement and the ERAU Writing Program.
  • After completing the first placement assessment on ALEKS and receiving a placement result, students can gain access to a second placement (if desired) by engaging in five hours of practice in interactive learning modules on the site.  Students can take an assessment a third and fourth time if needed, as long as they practice at least five hours between each attempt.
  • The Department of Engineering Fundamentals will consider a second attempt of the PSVT:R on a case by case basis.  For situations requiring consideration for a re-set or second attempt, please contact Dr. Heidi Steinhauer at Dr. Lisa Davids may also be reached at from August through April. 

  • For cases in which students have been awarded transfer credit for college level math and/or English Composition, they are not required to complete the ALEKS and/or Composition Online Evaluation. However, it is recommend that students take applicable placement exams and register for classes then adjust registration if needed once scores have been received and credit awarded.
  • Awarded transfer credit supersedes placement exam results for those students who choose to take the placement. In the event a student completes a course for which they received transfer credit, the course attempt then replaces the transfer credit.

Questions related to payments, billing and financial aid

Payment is due 10 business days prior to the first day of classes. To find the actual date and other important dates check out the Academic Calendar.

Please visit the office of Student Financial Services link to review instructions on how to pay tuition. An email may also be sent to ERNIE Central to submit questions and correspond with a campus representative.

For new and incoming students start at the Financial Aid site, continuing students can reach out to ERNIE Central for assistance.

Questions related to changing major, minor, Area of Concentration (AOC), track, etc.

Prior to starting classes as a first-year student, students who wish to change their degree program (major) can contact the Admissions department to make the request.  Following the start of classes, students should meet with their advisor to discuss your plans. The change of major will requires that you complete a Program Change form and obtain the required signatures from the Program Coordinators from both the declared and desired degree programs.

Following the start of their first term, students may declare or make changes to minors, Area of Concentration, Track, Option, or Specialization directly online in ERNIE, make desired changes, review, sign and submit.  Prior to starting classes at ERAU as a first year student, students who wish add/drop a minor/AOC/Track can contact the Admissions department to make the request.

Questions related to housing, meal plans and orientation

Eagle Takeoff Orientation occurs prior to the start of every semester, with several programs holding Pre-Orientation sessions prior to that date.  For more information, updates, and contact information, please visit the orientation site. Updates and important information will also be distributed through the university email system and students are encouraged to check their email daily.  

The Eagle Takeoff Orientation site has all the important dates associated with move in dates. For questions about residence hall selection, please contact the department of Housing.

Students will receive email notifications about housing assignments as well as other important information.

When you are admitted to the University, you will receive access to the online housing application, which will include a questionnaire designed to help us match you with a compatible roommate. While we cannot guarantee a perfect roommate match, we try to assign students together who have similar interests. It is important that you complete the online application honestly. By July 1st, prior to your arrival, you will receive a letter notifying you of your roommate. At that time, we encourage you to contact your prospective roommate, not only to get to know him/her, but also to coordinate who will bring certain items. We do supply each student with a computer/data line, access to the wireless network and one TV service connection per room.
Please visit the campus dining website to explore meal plan options and stay up to date with other information posted by Dining Services.

Questions related to Flight

  • Flight Students:  this link will answer a multitude of questions from what documentation is required to submit to estimated costs. Flight students and their families are also encouraged to explore the New Flight Student Guidebook to familiarize themselves with the Aeronautical Science degree program.

Questions related to ROTC

Please visit the ERAU ROTC page for more information about the programs and contact information.

General Questions

Students may visit the Student Employment website or visit the office in the Mori Hosseini Student Union room 336 to inquire about finding a job on campus. 

Students who choose to have a vehicle on campus are required to register the vehicle and obtain a parking permit from Campus Safety & Security.

Students will receive email notifications about housing assignments as well as other important information.

Students are encouraged to check their ERAU email daily to receive important updates about housing.

Please visit the tutoring page to find out more about campus tutoring resources. In addition to these published tutoring opportunities, students may inquire with First-Year Programs about additional resources that may be available on campus. It is always recommended that students meet with professors to address academic needs and support.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is designed to protect the privacy of student educational records, therefore you may give permission to the university to allow selected individuals access to their educational records by granting Auxiliary Access.

Current Students

Locate the name of your Academic Advisor through the Campus Solutions Student Center.