Statistical correlation study between solar wind, magnetosheath and plasma sheet properties

PI Heidi Nykyri

Statistical study of the solar wind, magnetosheath, and magnetospheric plasma properties usinng 8+ years of THEMIS data.

The study will utilize recently developed statistical tool developed under Nykyri's NSF CAREER grant to present 8+ years of THEMIS spacecraft data in the coordinate system that takes into account the motion of the magnetopause and bow shock and will organize THEMIS observations into spatial bins with respect to physical boundaries under prevailing solar wind conditions. The study will address how do the plasma sheet properties such as number density, temperature, electron to ion temperature ratio and specific entropy vary during a) Parker-Spiral, Ortho-parker spiral, Northward and Southward IMF, and b) during high and slow solar wind speed, and how are these correlated with corresponding magnetosheath properties?

Research Dates

10/01/2016 to 09/30/2020


  • No Photo
    Physical Sciences Department
    Ph.D., University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Heidi Nykyri
    Physical Sciences Department
    Ph.D., M.S., University of Alaska Fairbanks