Online Sexual Harassment Training for Students

All Daytona Beach and Prescott students are required to complete Embry-Riddle’s online Sexual Harassment Training course in Canvas. Worldwide students are required to complete the sexual harassment training in their orientation.

The approximately one-hour course will cover the following topics, including but not limited to:

  • Rights and responsibilities of ERAU students.
  • Provide details of what constitutes sexual harassment/misconduct violations.
  • Demonstrate what consent is and what it is not.
  • Bring awareness to bystander intervention.
  • Convey ERAU’s Title IX Investigation process.
  • Share ERAU’s supportive measures and sanctions.
  • Provide available resources at ERAU, as well as local and national resources.
  • Offer best practices for staying vigilant.

Please review the frequently asked questions below for further details.

To provide students with an awareness to:

  • Identify University values and student rights and responsibilities
  • Understand the University’s policies on sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct
  • Recognize what consent is and is not
  • Learn differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Get safety tips
  • Summarize reporting options and resources

The course is just one piece of what the University hopes will be an ongoing conversation about the role each of us plays in creating and sustaining a safe and inclusive educational environment at Embry-Riddle.

You can access the course either through the email invitation or through ERNIE.

  • In the email invitation to Sexual Harassment Training, click on the link provided to access the Canvas Dashboard, and then click on the “Sexual Harassment Training” course; or
  • In your ERNIE Tools, click on "Canvas" and then click on the "Sexual Harassment Training." (If you do not see "Canvas" listed in your Tools, click on the "All Tools" link.)

If you did not receive an email, or do not see the ERNIE To-Do List Sexual Harassment Training, please contact your respective campus’ Office of Title IX Compliance.

The course takes approximately one hour to complete.

All Daytona Beach and Prescott students must review each module in the course and pass a final exam. The final exam will remain locked until each module is reviewed. In order to complete the course successfully, each student must take the final exam and pass with a 90% or higher.

This course is required for all Daytona Beach and Prescott students, including new, transfer, undergraduate, and graduate students. 

Yes. This course contains content specific to Embry-Riddle’s Title IX Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policies. 

This course contains Embry-Riddle specific content, including information about Embry-Riddle’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.  As a member of the Embry-Riddle community, you are expected to complete the course that speaks to our values as a community, our resources, and our student rights and responsibilities.  Further questions about training obligations may be directed to your respective campus’ Office of Title IX Compliance.

The course is designed to be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer only.  Embry-Riddle has several computer labs on both the Daytona Beach and Prescott Campuses that students can use to complete the course.  For example:

  • Daytona’s Hunt Library features 91 computer workstations; and
  • Prescott’s Hazy Library features over 30 computers, scanners, and printers.

If you are unable to access a computer, please email the Title IX Office at your respective campus and a staff member will arrange a time and place for you to complete the course.

The course is designed to be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer only.  Embry-Riddle has several computer labs on both the Daytona Beach and Prescott Campuses that students can use to complete the course.  For example:

  • Daytona’s Hunt Library features 91 computer workstations; and
  • Prescott’s Hazy Library features over 30 computers, scanners, and printers.

If you are unable to access a computer, please email the Title IX Office at your respective campus and a staff member will arrange a time and place for you to complete the course.

ERNIE is only available to applied, accepted, and current students.

  1. In order to login to ERNIE, you will need to Activate Your Account by going to the ERNIE website.
  2. Click on the “Activate Your Account” link to begin the process.

If you have problems accessing your ERNIE account, please contact IT Support at

You can follow the steps in the Duo Enrollment guide at If you have problems setting up Duo, please contact IT Support at

Please send an email to the Office of Title IX Compliance at your respective campus and a staff member will assist you.

Yes; the Office of Title IX Compliance delivers customizable trainings and programming in person, both on-site and virtually, for Embry-Riddle students, faculty, and staff.  To request a training, or for further information, please contact your respective campus Office of Title IX Compliance at:

Contact Us

Autumn Meyers
Executive Director,
Title IX Coordinator

Student Union, Suite 324
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114