Academic Evaluation

An academic evaluation is a document that lists all courses required for your degree program, based on your catalog year. An official academic evaluation identifies courses already completed and those still to be taken. You may make your request for academic evaluation online through ERNIE. Click the Student Services tab in the top right corner, then select the Office of the Registrar, and then click the X under the online heading for Academic Evaluation. Please allow up to 30 days for your evaluation to be updated.

Speak with your program coordinator regarding course substitutions. Course subs are not guaranteed and should be obtained prior to enrollment. Course substitutions must be approved in writing and submitted to the Office of the Registrar before it will be reflected on your academic record.

If your course substitution was submitted after you received your degree completion evaluation, it will be applied during the next evaluation.

If your course substitution was submitted prior to your graduation application and is not showing on your degree completion evaluation, contact your graduation evaluator to ensure receipt.

Course subs will only show if the course has been completed and graded.

Academic Records

Yes. You are required to complete at least 15 semester hours with a minimum GPA. of 2.5 at an institution with accreditation acceptable to ERAU.  You must remain away from Embry-Riddle for a period of 12 calendar months from the date of suspension. Please understand that the clearest way to gain re-admission is through your academic success at another institution.

Each request for re-admission following suspension must include a completed application and application fee ($50), a personal petition and an official transcript from each institution attended since the suspension. The application fee may be paid with check or money order, made payable to ERAU. In cases of disciplinary suspension, more specific requirements may apply. Contact the Office of the Registrar at your earliest thoughts of returning to ERAU.

The Office of the Registrar requires a certified document for a name change. Name changes will only be processed for current students. You may hand-deliver, mail or fax these documents to 386-226-6335.

In order to change degree programs, a student must contact the Program Coordinator to initiate the Academic Change process. The student must then meet with the program coordinator for the intended degree program. If approved, it is recommended that students declare any desired/required areas of concentration or minors at that time. Academic change forms can be obtained online.

If a student prefers this information not be released without their written consent, use the Request for Nondisclosure form.

No. With the exception of flight courses, which may be repeated only once, a student may attempt a course only three times, including the initial grade, repeat grades, and any withdrawals or audits. The grade for each attempt will appear on the student's permanent academic record.  The grade for the second attempt replaces the first and the grade for the third replaces the second in determining the student's cumulative GPA.

A withdrawal occurs when a student drops all courses in which he/she is enrolled. Students wishing to withdrawal from the University must complete a Withdrawal Clearance form and return the form to the Office of the Registrar. Refunds are dependent on the date of withdrawal, as published on the current term info in the schedule book of courses distributed each semester.

If a student wanting information from their record (including grades) released verbally to parents or any other designee you must grant them Auxiliary Access in campus solutions.


Commencement information is posted on the Graduation Website.

If you are planning to degree complete in the summer, you must see the dean of your academic college for the possibility of being granted an exception to participate in the spring ceremony.  If you degree complete in a summer term, you are automatically eligible to participate in the fall ceremony.

Course Registration

Once a student has met with their advisor, he/she can then register in person or on the web. For more information regarding advisement and registration policies, refer to the current term info distributed each semester or contact the Office of the Registrar.

Speak with your academic advisor if you have questions about course enrollment.
Keep in mind that changes in enrollment may affect your graduation status.

Students who are above or below the tuition block or withdrawing from all classes may be eligible for a refund. Refund deadlines are published on the current term info in the schedule book. For more information about refunds, contact the Bursar's Office.

Entry into a closed course requires approval from the department chair of the required course. An add/drop form signed by the appropriate authorizing authority must be presented to the Office of the Registrar, for registration in any closed course. See the back of the schedule book of courses or the last page of the current term info for appropriate authorizing authorities.

Yes. Students are considered to be continuously enrolled, regardless of the number of hours for which they register, unless they enroll at another institution without advance approval or fail to enroll in at least one course at ERAU within any two year period after the last term of attendance or have been suspended or dismissed from the University. A student who has lost continuing student status must re-apply to the University.

After initial enrollment, students are expected to complete all degree requirements at ERAU. If a student wishes to take a course at another institution, a Petition to Take Courses at Another Institution form must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar with copies of all course descriptions. This must be done before taking the course.

If a student registers for a course, then later in the semester decides to change the course from credit to audit, an add/drop form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the last day. The deadline dates are published on the current term info in the schedule book of courses, which is distributed each semester. If class attendance is not satisfactory, the instructor may award a 'W' grade.

The term "block tuition" applies to all undergraduate students who register for 12-16 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. Undergraduate students who have completed more than 27 credit hours and have a CGPA of 3.0 or greater may be eligible for "block tuition" of 12-18 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. For more information about tuition, contact the Bursar's Office.

The deadline to drop courses is published on the current term info in the schedule book of courses, which is distributed each semester/term. There are two deadlines: 1. Students may drop courses during the first three weeks of fall and spring and during the first two weeks of each summer term without penalty. The dropped course will not appear on the academic transcript. 2. After the first deadline expires, students may drop courses through the 10th week of each fall and spring semester and through the first five weeks of each summer term. A grade of 'W' will appear on the transcript; however, it will not affect your grade point average.

Federal Government regulations require all international students to be full time for each semester (Spring-Fall). Undergraduate full time course load is 12 credits. Graduate full time course load is 6 credits. If it is your last semester you do not need to be full time. That is the only exception to the regulation. Auditing a class is only permissible if it does not bring you below full time status.

Students beginning their first term in summer are required to take 6 credits.


Yes, duplicate diplomas are $60 each. You can order extra at the time of application or after degree completion. The fee is the same.

Diplomas will be mailed approximately 4 to 6 weeks after graduation.  Please ensure that your CS Student Center has your valid diploma mailing address.

There is a $60 fee per diploma. Backdated diploma request forms may be obtained online or in the Office of the Registrar. If you are using the online form, you will need to make a payment. Please include your payment confirmation number on your request. All requests need to include the legal name at time of attendance, term and year of completion, name of degree(s), student ID or social security number, mailing address, and contact phone number.

Graduation & Application

You may apply for graduation during the semester prior to your expected degree completion term. Degree completion evaluations may take 2-3 weeks to be returned to you during high volume times, such as the start of the semester.

Undergraduate students – $100

Masters students – $100

Doctoral students – $100

Additional diploma – $60

These charges will be applied to your account and are non-refundable. Fees are payable through Campus Solutions. Submissions of multiple graduation applications will result in multiple charges.

The graduation application fee covers the cost of processing, printing and mailing of one diploma. Additional diplomas may be requested at an additional cost of $60 per diploma. Regalia for students is not included in this fee.

Approved – Based on your current enrollment and GPA, you are eligible for degree completion upon the successful completion of your remaining requirements

In Review – You are not currently eligible. This may be due to one of the following reasons: you are not enrolled in all of your remaining requirements, your GPA is below the minimum requirement, you are registered in a term after your declared completion term, etc. Your status will be re-evaluated during the term in which you anticipate completion.

Meet with your academic advisor to determine remaining academic requirements and/or address any unresolved actions.

If you no longer anticipate to degree complete in the term for which you applied, please contact a Graduation Evaluator in writing at Your graduation application will then be cancelled so you may reapply for the correct term.

To be eligible to apply for graduation you must be within 30 credit hours of degree completion if an undergraduate student, and within 15 credit hours of degree completion if a graduate student. Follow the Graduate Checklist for an expedited graduation process.

Deadlines are posted on the Prospective Graduate page of the course schedule book, which is printed for each academic term.

Diplomas will be mailed approximately 4 to 6 weeks after graduation.  Please ensure that your CS Student Center has your valid diploma mailing address.  Please note that diplomas are held for financial obligations to the University, incomplete academics, or incomplete flight.


Request your official transcripts online.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting ERNIE Central.

Unofficial transcripts are available to current students only and may be viewed and printed from the Campus Solutions Student Homepage at no cost.

Unofficial transcripts are not available to prior students and alumni who no longer have a current username and password for ERNIE.

Contact Us

Office of the Registrar
University Administration Bldg 2315