Investigating the Correlation between GNSS Signal Scintillation and Thunderstorms

Herrera, J. Priore, M. Mekonnen, D. Deshpande, K.

The purpose of this project was to study how lightning produced by a thunderstorms can affect the ionosphere in mid-latitudes. The team investigated if lightning can create strong enough ionospheric structures to generate scintillation in GNSS signals.

Total Electron Content and Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements during the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019

Tijerina, L. Nigro, D. Herrera, J. Gachancipa, N. 

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the Sun, the Moon and the ionosphere through the effects of total solar eclipses on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) by analyzing high-rate signal phase and power data and evaluating if solar eclipses can induce ionospheric scintillations.

Classification of Sources of Ionospheric Scintillation in High Latitudes through Machine Learning

A-M. Bals, C. Thakrar, K.B. Deshpande 

In this study, we want to make use of the years of data available for high-rate high magnetic latitude GPS data. To gain a deeper insight into scintillations from multiple sources, we are investigating different machine learning approaches to classify and categorize scintillation events and draw conclusions about physical background processes.

For the geomagnetic storm on the 9th of March 2012, we applied a hierarchical clustering analysis on high rate data in phase and power to categorize the temporal scintillation signatures according to their geomagnetic source region. We can distinguish manually selected events from stations inside the polar cap vs those from the auroral oval.

Implementation of Machine Learning Methods for Ionospheric Scintillation Data Analysis

N. Gachancipa, C. Thakrar

The purpose of this project is to develop a machine learning algorithm, using recurrent neural networks, to detect ionospheric events in low-rate scintillation data. Recurrent neural networks are often used for time-series applications, including forecasting and prediction.

The model is being trained using data collected by the GNSS receivers in multiple locations (including Daytona Beach), with a focus on high-latitude data from the Canadian High Artic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN). The machine learning model will be integrated with the Embry-Riddle Ionospheric Scintillation Algorithm (EISA), an existing model capable of processing ionospheric data.

GNSS Observations of Ionospheric Scintillations Due to Rocket Launches

D. Koshy, J. Adams, S. Colonna, C. Thakrar

This rising project focuses on the impact rocket launches have on the GNSS satellite constellation in the form of ionospheric scintillation. Disturbance in the ionosphere comes from changing electron densities and a culmination of waves. A large-scale rocket launch is a unique phenomenon that can induce such an event due to its magnitude of power.

Embry-Riddle's Space Physics Research Lab (SPRL) team has organized a study that focuses on rocket launches that occur in Cape Canaveral, FL. GPS receivers located in the lab collect low and high rate data. This information is then put through a series of MATLAB and python codes developed by SPRL students that parses and creates graphs that take into consideration variables such as TEC (total electron content), phase, and power of signals during launch events.

Analysis of spectral and propagation characteristics of high latitude Ionospheric structures using SIGMA

P.R. Vaggu, K. Deshpande (ERAU), S. Datta-Barua, A. Lopez (IIT - Chicago), D. Hampton (Institute for Scientific Research, Boston College), James P. Conroy and G. Bust (Johns Hopkins)

In this work, we analyzed the difference between the characteristics of ionospheric irregularities at E and F region heights. We found that irregularities are elongated well along the field lines for both the cases. However, E region irregularities seem to have more field elongated structures than F region in hybrid spectrum.

Moreover, E region with higher scintillation activity shows relatively a smaller spectral index than F region event. Power law index decreases with the strength of phase scintillation.

The Satellite-beacon Ionospheric-scintillation Global Model of the upper Atmosphere (SIGMA) was used to simulate the satellite signal propagating through ”phase-screen”. Phase screens are characterized by Ionospheric irregularity spectrum, introduces random phase fluctuations in incident signal. We also use Shkarofsky spectrum (Shkarofsky [1968]) for the ionospheric irregularity spectrum, which is more generalized and flexible than hybrid.

A case study to understand the ionospheric structures over Poker Flat Research Range using forward propagation model SIGMA and Configuration Space Model

P.R. Vaggu, K. Deshpande (ERAU), S. Datta-Barua, A. Lopez (IIT - Chicago), C.L. Rino (Institute for Scientific Research, Boston College)

In this project, we characterized the ionospheric irregularities at F region during Nov 16 2014 over a 30s interval, and also interfaced SIGMA with Configuration Space Model (CSM) for better understanding of E region irregularities.

The Satellite-beacon Ionospheric-scintillation Global Model of the upper Atmosphere (SIGMA) uses sensitivity analysis to determine the most sensitive model input parameter. SIGMA can work with ionospheric irregularities produced from spectral models, physics based plasma models like GEMINI (Deshpande, Zettergren [2019]).

Tropospheric Scintillation Signatures: Observations of the Possible Effect Thunderstorms have on GPS Signals

Julian Herrera, Danayit Mekonnen, Marissa Priore and Kshitija Deshpande Presented at the Discovery Day at ERAU, 17 April 2019.

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has wide applications from daily life to numerous industries. Understanding how space weather affects the radio signals is imperative to maintaining its accuracy. Space weather events such as geomagnetic storms create a disturbance in the ionosphere by increasing the total electron content. However, these disturbances are found in high latitude regions where most studies are conducted; minimal research exists concerning the mid-latitude region.

There is a gap in research focusing on how tropospheric sources such as thunderstorms might generate ionospheric structures that affect these signals as well. The purpose of this project is to fill that gap by analyzing the possible relationship between thunderstorms and scintillation.

If a relationship is found, this could spark a whole new method of potentially predicting severe weather such as tornadoes and hurricanes. To study this relationships, 2 GPS receivers, both situated in Daytona Beach, Florida, were used to record GNSS data. A code was developed that graphed and analyzed the receiver data for scintillation signatures. Archived weather data was used to identify the exact date and time of thunderstorms. After favorable scintillation candidates were found, lightning location data was combed to compare it with the scintillation signatures. More accurate lightning data is required to determine a direct correlation to GPS scintillation, however, our current work lays a foundation to study relationship between tropospheric events and radio signal scintillations.

Investigation into the G1 Geomagnetic Storm of January 31st, 2019 through GNSS data processing

Danayit Mekonnen, Lucas Tijerina, Nicolas Gachancipa, Julian Herrera, Marissa Priore, Daniel Nigro, Pralay Vaggu, Devarshi Patel and Kshitija Deshpande

Ionospheric scintillations are signal perturbations caused by the interaction between the Earth's geomagnetic field and the Sun's activity and are apparent through rapid modifications in radiowaves. Such perturbations are the most prevalent source of uncertainties in the position solution for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Since GNSS provide essential services for multiple industries and even everyday life, understanding ionospheric scintillations is essential.

Geomagnetic storms are known to create disturbances in the ionosphere by increasing the total electron content (TEC). Therefore, this project highlights the relationship between geomagnetic storms and ionospheric scintillation through the analysis of processed GNSS data and proposes techniques for the identification and classification of scintillations in the mid-latitude region.

Utilizing phase and amplitude data collected from two GPS Receivers installed in Daytona Beach, FL, possible events that correlate with scintillation observed during the storm were studied. A GI minor geomagnetic storm, measured to be -10 nanoTesla, that took place on January 31st, 2019 was studied because a significant spike in both phase and amplitude was observed. The implementation of machine learning is also explored through the development of an unsupervised k-means clustering algorithm that will identify the distribution of data points and classify scintillations.

Investigation into Geomagnetic Storms and Ionospheric Scintillation

Danayit Mekonnen, Chintan Thakrar, Lucas Tijerina, Nicolas Gachancipa, Julian Herrera, Marissa Priore, Daniel Nigro, Pralay Vaggu, Devarshi Patel and Kshitija Deshpande

Identifying the relationship between solar activities, ionospheric irregularities and consequently ionospheric scintillation has inspired numerous research efforts due to the insight it provides on impacts of space weather on daily life. Solar activities such as geomagnetic storms cause ionospheric irregularities.

When radio waves travel through these irregularities, they experience rapid fluctuations in the signal phase and amplitude. Such fluctuations, known as ionospheric scintillation, have great consequences in radio wave based technology such as the Global Position system as it can cause loss of lock. As such, industries that are dependent on the accuracy of radio wave based technology such as aviation, agriculture and mining are especially sensitive to the impacts of space weather events that directly affect the ionosphere.

Therefore, radio signal data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is proceed to identify scintillation signatures that occurred during geomantic storms. A case study was conducted on January 31st, 2019, where scintillation signatures that correlated to a G1 minor geomagnetic storm were successfully identified. The method of analysis and identification of scintillation is adapted from the aforementioned case study to look into past years of data in hopes of identifying a similar trend. Through this study, it is hoped that a strong correlation between geomagnetic storms and ionospheric scintillation in the mid-latitude region will be highlighted.

Ionospheric Scintillation and Total Electron Content Observations During the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

N. Gachancipa, J. Herrera, K. Deshpande (ERAU), S. Datta-Barua, Yang Su (IIT), G. Bust (Johns Hopkins), G. Lehmacher (Clemson), D. Hampton (University of Alaska), G. Gyuk (Adler Planetarium)

The behavior of the ionosphere depends on time and location, and it is highly influenced by solar activity. In general, the level of electron density present in the ionosphere decreased as a product of the reduced levels of solar radiation [Zhang et al. 2017, GRL,44, doi:10.1002/2017GL076054].

A total solar eclipse was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States on August 21st, 2017. The path of totality crossed the US and had a maximum width of band of 110 km. Along this band, the moon blocked the incoming light of the sun entirely for up to 2m 4s. Partial eclipse duration of 5h 30m.

The behavior of the upper atmosphere during the total solar eclipse was studied by analyzing the interaction of the satellite signals and the ionosphere.

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