The UAS Training Lab boasts eight simulators, facilitating a seamless link between ground control station software and simulated uncrewed aircraft.

This setup allows students to practice lifelike flight scenarios and emergency procedures, complete with a camera payload replicating real-world situations. The innovative Remote Split Operations feature enables students to remotely operate actual aircraft across diverse locations in the United States, conducting tasks such as search and rescue missions and cell tower inspections. The UAS Training Lab offers students a comprehensive learning journey with robust flight planning tools and management resources. Furthermore, the lab equips students with practical skills and knowledge, solidifying the laboratory's role as a comprehensive uncrewed aircraft systems education hub.


  • Computers equipped with:
    • DJI Simulator
    • Real Flight Simulation software
    • Mission planner
    • Global mapper

Research Capacity

With students training to become leaders in the UAS industry, research on methods, skill development and transferability of knowledge is possible.

Lab Information

Lab Director: Matt Smith

Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, email Daytona Aviation Labs at
