The Enroute Traffic Control Lab is a simulated real-world environment where air traffic management students learn and practice critical communications and aircraft handling skills required during the enroute phase of air traffic control.

The I-SIM® ATM technology enables air traffic control training, airspace design/analysis, computer-human interface development and uncrewed aircraft system integration. The Enroute Traffic Control Lab is configured utilizing Enroute Automation Modernization with Display System Replacement consoles emulating the FAA Next Generation Transportation System.


  • Eight Enroute suites with radar and radar-associated positions
  • Eight Pseudo pilot positions
  • One Supervisor position

Research Capacity

Research on stress levels, workload and other human factors issues can be completed using this resource. Prior work has supported the FAA NextGen project.

Lab Information

Location: College of Aviation 347

Lab Director: Dr. Bill Coyne

Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email Daytona Aviation Labs at
