The Basic Engines and Propellers Lab is used to teach the concepts of engine theory of operation, design and construction and the theory and operation of aircraft propeller systems..

The lab is equipped with various aircraft engines,reciprocating engine lubrication systems and fuel injection system mock-ups.The lab also has many types of fixed-pitch and constant-speed propellers.


  • Fuel injection system training aid
  • Austro Diesel engine
  • Several 4- & 6-cylinder reciprocating engines
  • Various types of propellers

Research Capacity:

Possible research areas include differences in assembly instructions, analysis of procedures, new procedure training and emerging methods of propulsion.

Lab Information

Location: Emil Buehler Aviation Maintenance Science, Building 230

Lab Directors: Prof. Jay Lacy and Prof. Cole Muelfelder

Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email
