The Airline Research Operations Center (AROC) allows students to learn and practice the different functions of an airline operational command and control center.
The lab is equipped with nine stations where students practice current operational policies and procedures from several disciplines, including meteorology, dispatch, aircraft performance, safety, air traffic control and crew resource management. Students also learn to apply regulations from 14 C.F.R. Parts 61, 91, 117, 119, 121 and 135 to solve real-world problems while identifying and prioritizing air traffic conflicts within a simulated airline operational environment.
- Nine computer stations
- Twelve lined headphones
- WSIFusion for weather
- Real-time ATC with a five-minute delay by the FAA
Research Capacity
The AROC can support research in many areas, including dispatch functionality, flight scheduling software and flight planning software.
Lab Information
Location: College of Aviation 263A & 263B
Lab Directors: Professor Charles Westbrooks
Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 386-226-6100 or 800-862-2416, or email Daytona Aviation Labs at