Guidelines & Expectations

Students’ professional careers start on their first day at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Each course, project, internship and opportunity is influential in readying students for the workforce. Even the everyday university experiences are built to prepare students for their next step.

With this career-ready focus, Embry-Riddle seeks to empower students to learn and practice professionalism, leadership, communication and the other Eagle Elevate Career Competencies, which are the skills that employers expect of graduates. Our goal is for students to take ownership of their education and professional development.

We know you deeply care about your student’s future success. In fact, that is why you have invested in and encouraged them to pursue an education. You know they can learn and grow with support and guidance.

In this guide, we will share the university's perspective on parent, guardian and family communications, and we will provide tips on how we can best support your student. While we recognize that each student is unique, we hope this information normalizes the college experience so that you can encourage their independence and treat them as professionals. Let’s work together to help our students be successful.

Communication Philosophy

Embry-Riddle recognizes students as adults and trusts them to advocate for themselves, solve challenges and make decisions. To support their development, we highly encourage family and friends to allow your student to manage their college career, including communications with the university.

As the point of contact, students must be the primary attendee of all meetings, advocate for their needs, make decisions and respond to all requests for information and appointments. Typically, staff will involve the student in decisions regarding their situation, even if a family member initiated the conversation, unless there is cause for concern as determined by the department.

The university communicates with students through various means, including their Embry-Riddle email, social media, Canvas, ERNIE, RAVE emergency alert system, the Guardian app and the Embry-Riddle Newsroom. The university also distributes information to families through the Parent and Family Portal and the official parent Facebook page.

Please note that social media accounts not created or managed by the university should not be considered official sources of information. Use caution and discretion when reading, responding or using information provided outside of official Embry-Riddle accounts.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Embry-Riddle is guided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of and limit access to student education records. Students have control over the disclosure of information and can grant auxiliary access through Campus Solutions. Educational records covered by FERPA include grades, housing information, financial status, results of disciplinary proceedings, etc.

When contacting the university, please have your auxiliary access PIN number ready along with information about your inquiry so that we can direct you to the appropriate department. Staff will review FERPA before any information is shared, and we will be unable to release specific information if no auxiliary access is listed. Also, we will not release information about another student (i.e., roommate) even if your student is connected to that individual.

If you are not given access to your student’s records under FERPA, the university can answer general questions that do not pertain to a specific student. We will be glad to share information on available resources, programming, policies and procedures. The university expects students to use their professional abilities to manage their educational experience even if family and friends have auxiliary access under FERPA.

Emergency Situations and Students of Concern

In student-specific emergency situations, students, family and friends can contact local authorities and Campus Safety at 386-226-7233. The Student of Concern Reporting Form can also be submitted for student situations that warrant attention but are not life-threatening.

When the university is experiencing an emergency, we will use the RAVE system to communicate with those signed up with notifications sent at any time of day. As a reminder, Embry-Riddle cooperates with all law enforcement and response agencies, and will work under their guidance, along with the coordination of the Emergency Operations Team (EOT), when communicating information.

Students and employees can opt-in to receive RAVE emergency notification messages. The RAVE opt-in process requires an ERNIE account. However, enrolled students can add a family member to the RAVE alert system by adding that person’s phone number or email address (with permission of the family member).

Parents are also encouraged to sign up for CampusESP. Once enrolled, you will receive the same communications your student receives if an alert is warranted. You will receive this communication by e-mail only.

Embry-Riddle has robust emotional support services for students. In addition to our on-site Counseling Center, Embry-Riddle offers 24/7 global access to emotional support through LifeWorks’ student support program, My SSP, a remote mental health resource. At any time, Embry-Riddle students in need of emotional support are encouraged to reach out to the Counseling Center by stopping by or calling. Please note that the form is not geared towards grades, complaints, appeals or Title IX situations. Title IX concerns can be submitted using this form.

Supporting Your Student

Family and friends are an important part of the student’s college experience, so we want to share ideas that can enhance your communications.

  • Set realistic expectations.
  • Talk to your student.
  • Ask helpful and supporting questions.
  • Allow them leeway to make decisions and even fail.
  • Encourage your student to use the resources and opportunities available to build connections with the Embry-Riddle community.
  • Review the Counseling Center’s Month-to-Month Adjustments for First-Year Students guide.
  • Put together a health kit for your student. Include a thermometer, pain reliever, bandages, etc., along with a copy of their health insurance card(s) and a list of their current medications and dosages. Check out information on the Health Services ERNIE page.

To best help your student through challenges, we highly recommend that you encourage them to contact staff for support. Again, this step allows them to build confidence in their abilities. It also allows staff to help the student understand the full spectrum of resources available and make introductions as needed. Your partnership and open communication can make a difference for a student. 

Embry-Riddle Support

Embry-Riddle has a broad system of support, with many departments contributing to students’ academic and professional growth. Many of the systems of support are connected together and will involve coordination among the areas applicable to the situation.

For this reason, family and friends will be referred to the appropriate department best suited to answer their questions or concerns. At times, there will be multiple groups working towards the end goal of helping a student, so we ask for time, patience and understanding as information is gathered and reviewed. Departments will respond to the student, or the person on auxiliary access, if applicable, as soon as they are able to provide the best direction.

Also, we encourage family and friends to avoid “shopping” for answers among departments since that takes away resources from our students and causes confusion for everyone.

University departments often employ students just like yours, and these students are trained to answer questions and provide directions as frontline staff. If the situation needs further intervention, the student employees know when to involve a staff member. When working with student staff, please extend the utmost professionalism and care to that person. Remember, we all contribute to student development by allowing them to show their professionalism in the workplace.

Embry-Riddle email is an important part of the university communication process, so please help us keep students informed by encouraging them to check their university email daily. Email is also the preferred method of communication to best protect all parties and maintain records.

We know that one of the greatest influences on students is that of family and friends. You are their cheerleader, system of care and support, and safe place. Ultimately, we want to partner with families and friends to help every student achieve their best.

Contact Us

Parent and Family Relations Team