Students in programs offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and  Computer Science (EECS) come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, and leave with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to embark on successful careers as computer engineers, electrical engineers, software developers, and software engineers in aerospace and in other industries. They do this by working in teams on hands-on projects over the course of their program’s curriculum and by their participation in a variety of student activities and student life.

With their first EGR 101, Introduction to Engineering, class, students in the department’s programs begin working together in teams to develop functioning systems such as hand-sized robots and remote-controlled airplanes. As they progress through their degree curriculum they work with those same individuals, students from other years, and students from other degree programs on a variety of hands-on projects, culminating in the multidisciplinary capstone design experience of their senior year.

But EECS students also participate fully in campus life through their involvement in numerous student activities, from the Alpha Phi Omega service organization to WIKD, the campus radio station. And, of course, EECS students form the core of the local student branch of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), as well as making up a substantial fraction of the Robotics Association at Embry-Riddle. Teams from those organizations compete and place highly in regional and national competitions, such as the IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition (table-top robots), multiple AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) competitions, and the IEEE eXtreme Programming Competition.

The following student organizations have heavy engagement from the EECS Department's faculty and student body:

Contact Us

Daytona Beach Campus
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114